Period Pains - Bloody Hell

Period pains can be a real pain at times, meaning, causing you to suffer from severe stomach cramps or the actual menstrual flow putting stop to any plans of visiting a nudist camp. Some women cope and carry on regardless when menstruating, but sadly for others they find their period pains disabling in more ways than one. Aside from stomach pains there are headaches, bloating, and tenderness of the breasts. These are just some of the symptoms why women dread coming on each month. However in contrast we have women shouting "bloody hell" after a condom split and wait in anticipation for their period to show.

Approximately 75 per cent of all menstruating females suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
Sadly women accept the pain involved with periods and believe it is all part of the package, when in fact, nutritionists and alternative therapists say pain is never normal and can be alleviated. One leading contributor cited for detonating the symptoms of PMS is nutrient deficiency. It is in every ailing woman`s best interest any recommendations of a natural solution for relieving period pains should be considered..

If the body cries out for nutrients then you need to replenish it. Daily diets may not contain the necessary nutrients the body needs to work efficiently. What needs to be done is to locate the area lacking in nutrient deficiency and find a suitable replacement. No doubt you aware that eating healthy is vital for persons well being. Soothing period pains by eating a proper balanced diet should be considered because it can also help ease the symptoms by normalizing hormone function.
Abstaining from food is not healthy and it is most profound to eat regularly to combat irritability and fatigue. Eating less can leave you feeling weak. Regular meals ensure your body has a constant supply of nutrients. Caffeine intake needs to be reduced to three cups of coffee or tea per day; both drinks are known to aggravate PMS. If you are desperate to stabilize the pain from your periods then talk to an herbalist. Some women find drinking herbal tea, fruit/vegetable juice or water is better for their health than that of drinking coffee or tea.
Girls that enjoy the odd tipple (alcohol) should reduce consumption to three glasses of wine (or equivalent) per week). If you don't then period pains come with more agonizing symptoms from a hangover.

Cut down or cut out sweet edibles like cakes and biscuits. Eating healthy not only replenishes lost nutrition's it makes sense. Oats, brown rice, nuts, brown bread, sunflower seeds and beans along with at least five portions of fruit or vegetables are all healthy foods. Oily fish eaten at least three times a week is good for the system, eating oily fish helps increase your body's fatty acids, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin E and B. Before taking vitamin supplements talk to your doctor. Although a health eating plan is suggested to relieve period pains a proper diet also reduces stress levels. Another method tried and tested is massage. Massage has a powerful affect on relieving stress that leads to tension, pain and hormone imbalance. Yoga too comes highly recommended as a form of medication to relieve stress. Aromatherapy oils are working for some women who swear it eases their discomfort. Overnight miracles on ridding pain do not exist. It can take months for period pains to ease off. Before going on a diet or taking up exercise consult your doctor.

Herbal remedies can ease menstrual pains, aching muscles or stomach cramps. Some herbs contain hormone-like properties which help normalize the body's hormonal levels which then encourage relief for bloating, pain, nerve tension and irritability. Try relaxing in a warm bath with a few drops of camomile or clary essential oils.

Periods are better late than never for the woman fearing an unwanted pregnancy. Regardless of severe period pains and throbbing headaches in the menstruating months the symptoms of PMS - i.e. bloating belly and tenderness of the breasts are warmly welcomed than that of an unplanned pregnancy