Millionaires Club: How to Find a Millionaire and Marry Him?

Probably everyone has ever dreamed of love stories with a millionaire. However, you are unlikely to find many millionaires in your average suburban nightclub, cafe or restaurant. You need to strike out for new territories. New York is the place where you can find the most millionaires.
Oddly enough, one of the best ways to meet really rich people is at the opening of anything you don't actually have to pay to attend. So hurry yourself along to just about any of the blue art institutions and get yourself invited to the next bash. Or just turn up. Bouncers at these events are notoriously polite and therefore wholly ineffectual.
The rich and wealthy men tend to cluster, so a holiday spent in one of their favoured summer haunts can be a very efficient way of meeting these glorious guys.
Millionaires club should also be a nice place to meet them too. Just last month, I entered a millionaire club called and talked with some guys for about 30 minutes. Then I found 7 real millionaires there.
All but the very newest millionaires have learned that there is more cachet in displaying wealth discreetly. Perhaps via the $1.35 million Calibre 89 Patek Philippe watch peeping out from the bespoke shirt cuff, or by slipping nonchalantly into a customised Bentley after meetings. Rather this than festooning himself with bling and looking like Mr T threw up on him. So learn to recognise bespoke tailoring, top notch accessories and high calibre hair weaves.
You are not the only glamorous, articulate, mercenary femme fatale out there and rich men can have their pick of them. Just ask orange-faced, Velcro-haired Donald Trump. 'All the women on my show (The Apprentice) flirted with me. That's to be expected.'
Don't be afraid to elbow any competition hard in her doubtless Prada-clad and protruding ribs as you stride towards your prize.
Don't be yourself. Be better. Walk better, dress better, groom yourself better, because contrary to romantic opinion and Hollywood films, millionaires rarely want to rescue the downtrodden. Rich people are reassured by other rich people. They prefer their company because they are confused by poor people, find them physically distasteful, and, of course, are rightly frightened that they're coveting their cash.
Your conversation, rather than being suggestive of winsome poverty, must preclude the Rich Target from realizing that he is speaking to someone who does not take unalloyed privilege utterly for granted. So learn up on yachting and polo terms.
Keep a pleasant but unimpressed smile on your face at all times and don't fall screaming to the ground, beating your hands on the carpet in disbelief when he lets slip what he pays in mooring fees, ruby-polishers' salaries and alimony. Remember that when he refers to his Murcielago, he is referring to his car, not an STD symptom.
The last but not least, take actions. Do not just read articles online and do nothing. Millionaires will not enter your life until you started to do something. OK, let's start to connect with millionaires from the millionaires club at first!