Prohibited Medicine During Pregnancy

By now, you are probably proud showing off the baby bumps developing in your body. It is crucial for pregnant women to be very careful in all their activities. Eating nutritious foods is one of the best ways pregnant women can do to keep their baby healthy and strong.

But now you suddenly realize that your head is aching like crazy! What are you going to do? Pop up a pill only to know later on that it belongs among the prohibited medicine during pregnancy or simply endure your throbbing head that will seem to explode any moment soon.

Although most medications are considered safe for pregnancy there are some which affect the unborn child in an unknown manner. It is important to ask for a doctor's help before popping out a pill from medicinal kit. It is necessary that mothers pay enough attention to everything that they are taking especially during the first three months, since this is when the crucial development of every child takes place.

The safest medications during pregnancy are prenatal vitamins obtainable even without prescriptions. Always check with a health care provider before taking any even herbal medicines and supplements since a lot of them have not yet been proven to be completely safe for pregnant women use.

Some of the medicines that should be taken with care are the following: antiemetics, tranquilizers, antihistamines, antacids, analgesics, diuretics, hypnotics, antimicrobials, and illicit drugs.

Reasons Why Prohibited Drugs during Pregnancy is a big NO:

• Creates untoward effect to the normal fetal development
• May damage the placenta thus the life of the baby is put at risk
• Can promote miscarriage
• Trigger premature labor.

Knowing how this prohibited medicine during pregnancy will affect the life of the unborn may vary depending upon various factors which include the following:

• The method on how the substance, drug, or medication is used.
• The quantity of the drug taken.
• The span of time when it was used.
• If the prohibited medicine was taken alone or in combination.
• How the body would individual response to the substance, drug, or medication
• The gestational age of the fetus
• There are also other factors to consider such as maternal health and diet.

The moment when you accidentally swallowed a prohibited medicine during pregnancy; doctors, midwife, obstetrician, pharmacist, or a drug counselor should be consulted the soonest possible time. Also, there are women who may be unaware that what they are taking is a drug that falls under the prohibited kind that is why researching and reading information about these prohibited drugs is needed.

Your child's life depended on you thus the stage of pregnancy should be a stage of caution and provision. You can also list drugs and medications that you've taken recently. Always be careful with your body when pregnant since the simplest form of neglect can lead to lifelong damage to the life of the infant. As much as possible, you want your kid to become as healthy and 'complete' as they can be. Enjoy your pregnancy the safe way and you'll be guaranteed with hassle-free motherhood ahead of you!