Early Pregnancy Symptoms Revealed

There are specific early pregnancy symptoms that in most cases cannot pass unnoticed. And by saying this I refer to morning sickness, smell sensitivity, headaches, pelvic discomfort, extreme and extended tiredness, sore breasts, and the list would go on. I didn't include the absence of period as an early pregnancy symptom, as that is usually the way to find out whether you're pregnant or not. Now let's take these above mentioned early pregnancy symptoms one by one and see how they can be dealt with.

Morning sickness as an early pregnancy symptom can be reduced if you don't get out of bed abruptly in the morning. Take your time before getting to your feet, and you will see that a lot of your sickness will disappear. If this early pregnancy symptom appears again during the day and it is accompanied by vomiting, try to eat as slightly as possible. It would be a good idea to have some toast, fruit, fresh orange juice or lemonade. Nausea can be caused by some odors you find unpleasant.

Smelling sensitivity is another early pregnancy symptom that appears usually in association with the morning sickness. Common smells like those of food, perfume, soap or detergent may become unbearable for a pregnant woman. The good news is that nausea and smells sensitivity disappear as the pregnancy advances. They are considered early pregnancy symptoms and decrease in intensity after the first one or two months of pregnancy. However there are women who experience vomiting and morning sickness till the second and even the beginning of the third trimester.

Headaches and pelvic discomfort are the early pregnancy symptoms that are usually mistaken for pre-menstrual symptoms. The confusion is normal and it is due to the fact that the same kind of hormones is secreted by the woman's body during pregnancy as well as before period. The difference appears in the hormone level. Pelvic discomfort as an early pregnancy symptom is due to baby implantation within the uterus. It is very often associated with slight bleeding or spotting that is very often taken for a period.

Tiredness and sore breasts as specific early pregnancy symptoms can also be very misleading. As they can be determined by other causes such as stress or PMS. Very often, women that have no suspicion of being pregnant are concerned there may have some health problems, or they simply expect their period. There are other early pregnancy symptoms that vary from one woman to another. The above mentioned symptoms are general, but there may be cases when they don't apply. Each body is unique, and so is the reaction to pregnancy for every woman.