Napw: The Passion Behind Womens Success!

Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes." They will say, "Women don't have what it takes." -By Clare Boothe Luce

As I glimpsed through the above quote, I found it perfectly true to every ounce of it. The general perception which runs around us is women cannot simply succeed. They are destined to be inside the house, taking care of their spouses and kids and their life ends in this circle. To break free from this world of oppression was not easy, but by the struggles and sacrifices of several generations, women should be proud to understand that the status which they have received right now comes from sheer hard work and determination. It wouldnt be wrong to note that women equalize men or outshine them in every sphere of life and have really shown to the world that they can achieve what their male counterparts can. The emergence of the corporate women is a true symbol that ambition is a forte of women and they will certainly achieve it. The National Association of Professional Women came into existence to identify the needs and issues of the like-minded women who are shaping up their careers to attain the taste of success.

It is really incredible to note the success of the National Association of Professional Women or NAPW which has become the leading network of professional women in United States over just a span of 3 years. This genuine organization came into effect in 2007 and has its head-quarters centered in Garden City of New York. It is quite surprising yet a pleasure to know that the organization includes more than 120,000 members from the different parts of United Nations which can only be attributed to the service-oriented attitude of NAPW.

NAPW was set-up to provide a real network only for professional women and executive who could would find this forum as a unique one to share and consult on ideas, issues and concerns. NAPW is a membership-oriented network system hence; this makes the entire background more secure and friendly for the women who are a part of the network.

NAPW in general can be referred to as a global platform provided to its members who are not strict on their topics of discussions which can vary widely from dealing with careers, economic, political, social ideas and even personal concerns can be discussed.

NAPW provides the most amazing avenue for the women who have freshly joined the workforce to utilize this opportunity to correspond and intermingle with successful professional women and business executives who can in turn offer guidance and expertise on the common subjects and can propel the freshers towards the right path of success. NAPW also believes in providing help and support to the upcoming women workforce and hence has started the Rising Stars Education Scholarship which provides $1000 grants to five women who are pursuing their college education every year.

NAPW has certainly shown its true worth and commitment and the fact that it is totally dedicated to the advancement of women is well exhibited by its members who are proud to be associated with it and also to be provided this wonderful opportunity of association and networking.