Underwear As Outerwear; The New Trend

Underwear worn as regular clothes first became popular in the mid 1980's, though it was widely scorned as a style and only the most liberal of women would wear clothing in this genre. The 1980's actually was the root of many diverse fashion styles, many of which are becoming popular once again in the current day. It is only just that one of the most controversial of clothing styles during that time is now one of the sexiest and most cutting edge style that is out there today. Mainly in the form of lingerie, underwear has gone from taboo to must-do, simply because of the seduction and mystery that it adds to a woman wearing it.

During late 2009, underwear made its sudden present day debut in several fashion shows both on the runway and at the after party as the newest trend among the fashion worthy. This particular fashion style because one of the omnipresent fashion trends that can be worn during any season of the calendar. A style that reintroduces tights, stockings as well as the famed ripped panty-hoes made paramount during the 1980's. The trend includes many underwear accessories from all generations of female fashion including the Victorian era, featuring the corset, all the way to the days of Flash Dance, high heels and ripped shirts. The trend is certainly one of the modern staples of our time showing the fashion community that there is no way to kill the controversy from days past and the sexiest styles from the 80's will not be so easily snuffed.

There is so much in fashion that has never been fully explained. Hand-bags so large you can fit just about anything into them, stiletto heels, fish net stalking; the list goes on and on with sexy, but seemingly obscure and random styles of fashion that leave critics all around the world guessing what will come next. But, one thing is certain, once a fashion appears and is prominent; there is no way to squash that fashion forever. In fact, it is more than likely that fashion will reemerge in years to come.

This re-emergence of trends happened with the era of underwear worn as outerwear. This is the fashion that has all onlookers guessing what is going to be next. The underwear trend uses lady's undergarments as the sexy tops for more fashionable styles and outfits. The major usages of female undergarments are; bras as tops, lacey lingerie as tops, corsets as tops, and stockings or tights as bottoms. Each one of these garments was, at one point in the history of fashion, at the top of the world of style. The trends all come back for a reunion to form one of the sexiest and most alluring fashion statements that there is. With wearing one of these different fashions, women are sure to stand out in anyone's eyes as the prize jewel of the fashion world.

Lingerie as an outfit has become more and more prominent as the fashion world has progressed. This is because the lace of a lingerie outfit can drive any man wild with desire, or even just turn the heads on the street as a woman in a flowing silk top strides past with confidence. These outfits are not solely used for the seduction of a man anymore, however. Now they are used as key stone pieces of one of the sexiest and most gorgeous outfits that any woman could be seen wearing.

Other styles in the underwear category, such as the bra on the outside, has turned heads for many months and is sure to do so for many more to come. This type of style shows the world that a woman doesn't care who sees the brassier, that it is something for the world to be in awe at.

The style of underwear worn as outerwear is just at the baby stage of its development. There are so many other innovations that can still be made to make this style one of the most desirable ones out there