Cosmetics Essentials Part 2 - Containers For Homemade Cosmetics

In the second of a three part series on cosmetic essentials, we are going to focus on the containers for your homemade cosmetic products. There are both desirable and practical aspects to choosing containers for your cosmetics. Obviously without proper containers, storing and the long term maintenance of the products that you make would be impossible.

In choosing containers, you need to consider whether the cosmetic product that you are producing needs to be kept in a place appropriate for the type of ingredients used in the product. In general, most cosmetic products need to be kept in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Of course that doesnt prevent you from keeping containers in your bathroom, bedroom or other places where they add to the beauty of your home or work place. With considerations for both the practical and aesthetic aspects of the containers to keep in mind, many individuals tend to focus on only the functional aspects I believe that with a little diligence you can find beautiful containers that also fulfill your functional needs.

There are a variety of options available for your containers. This is because the techniques for creating glass, plastic or ceramic containers has improved in the last 20 years due to machines now connected with computer technology to allow for better managing the temperature, shape and structure of the materials used to make containers. You can find containers with a variety of shapes and textures that previously would have been difficult if not impossible. That still doesn't preclude the craftsmanship of containers made by artisans both old and young fully versed in the techniques of manipulating glass, ceramic or plastic.

Irrespective of the attractiveness of the container, the container needs to have the following properties: 1. It needs to be resilient and sturdy as it might be jangled or drop from time to time; 2. It must be leakproof as well as seal completely as continual exposure to the air could cause the cosmetic product to oxidise and spoil; 3. And ensure the container is large enough for the amount of cosmetic that you are making.

In looking for attractive containers that can also meet the functional requirement, I tend to focus primarily on glass and ceramic containers since they are attractive and in the case of ceramic still protects the cosmetic product from sunlight. In your case, you need to decide what type of container best meets your aesthetic and functional requirements. As most of my containers are readily seen either in the bathroom or bedroom, I tend to focus on containers that I find aesthetically pleasing as well as meeting my functional needs. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to look at the some of our sponsors to see some of the nice choices available, otherwise an economic way to acquire containers is to save baby bottles, ask friends to save glass containers or to find recycled bottles in your neighborhood recycling program.