For those that know the background of vitamin k and bruises then you know how helpful vitamin k can be for the body and spider and varicose veins are no different since they are somewhat similar to bruises in how they have a blood pool and with spider veins this blood pool can leak from the burdened vein. This leaking becomes visible through the skin and spiders out with the vein itself. So what can vitamin K do to help? The answer is that vitamin K can help to seal off the veins. These spider veins can be visible anywhere on the body but are usually found nose, legs or arms.
There are many different professions that seem to be more susceptible to the vein problems. Nurses and pharmacists are to name a few of the professions but anybody that stays on their feet for some time can be susceptible. Pregnant women can also have spider or even varicose veins show up during pregnancy. For most of these women the veins will gradually fade after child birth but for some they will stay unless treated.
So how do you treat spider veins or varicose veins? The first and most natural way is to use a top notch vitamin K cream. These creams should have about 8% vitamin k and should be in a deep penetrating cream base. If the cream stays on the surface it will not help much. Finding a top notch cream is vital to gage whether the cream actually works or not. Our vitamin K cream uses deep penetrating oils that are referred to as carrier oils and the carrier oils carry the vitamin k deep past the upper layers of the skin and to the blood vessel. This is important since the vitamin K has to reach the vein itself to work.
There are several creams on the market including K max, Pro K, Medic 8 and many others. I strongly suggest that you give the creams a good try. It usually takes about 30-45 days to see the beginning results and then another 30 days to fade the veins away and out of sight. The veins are usually and typically healed meaning that the spider veins do not come back.
Most of our customers report that the veins that are healed stay that way and they do not have problems with them again. The vitamin K actually clots the vein and this is why the veins do not constantly need the cream to stay diminished. There are other ways to treat spider veins but the best way to get rid of spider veins is with a cream. There are stronger methods but they usually require some type of expensive surgery based procedure. the best in beauty products and beauty aids means using products that are targeted to your specific need.
About varicose veins - it is important to distinguish the difference between spider veins and varicose veins as varicose veins are usually raised and protrude from the leg while the spider vein is simply visible by the eye but does can not be felt when examining the leg with the finger tips. It is much more difficult to treat varicose veins than it is to treat spider type veins. It does not mean that the vitamin k creams won't work but they will have a much harder time working on the raised veins.
We have seen results on both types and especially good results with those that have the veins on their nose and face. Many people ask if vitamin k is gentle enough to use on the face and the answer is yes. It works very well on the very little veins on the face. Vitamin k does not cause any type of redness like some other creams can. It is very gentle and can easily be used on the body and face.