Why Women Are So Desperate These Days


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03 Jul 2007 05:00:17 -0000




Why Women Are So DESPERATE These Days


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</form>[removed]<!--mce:0-->[removed] Why Women Are So DESPERATE These Days >NOTE: If you're REALLY interested in learning howto meet women and get numbers, emails, and DATESquickly... then go take a look at THIS: /?cid=SZZZVH&lid=1&ll=1" /?cid=SZZZVH&lid=1&ll=1 ***QUESTION*** ok here is the deal... I'm 23, 5'7"  and a relatively good looking andsuccessful fashion designer. i don't date to much,and because of my usually respectful mannerism idon't get laid too often and usually end up inthat "gay friend" category. but I've kinda got my eye on a cutie who works ata trendy clothing store in my hood. it initiallywas one of those things where we shared a glaceand did the whole "eye ball sex" thing the firsttime i came into the shop. i frequent this storeregularly to help promote and do some p.r. for aclub night my friends are doing, (not to mentioncheck out the... uh... merchandise?) so i haveactually spoke to her and got her name and evenconvinced her to come out to the club a few times(on my guest list of course). the thing is I'm not very comfortable about"macking" girls in clubs and try to avoid it atall costs, so my question is how do i go fromcheezy promoter guy dropping off flyers and freepasses, to say... getting her to come watch"videos" at my place or even just a phone # forthat matter? giving me a way to find out if she is single wouldbe cool too..." >>>MY COMMENTS:    I've included your letter for a couple ofreasons. First, because I want other guys to seethat just because you're a young, successful guythat works in two fields which should naturallylead you to be a BABE MAGNET, it always takes morethan just a situation... it takes skills andknowledge as well.    And secondly, I want to answer your questionbecause I believe that there are many guys outthere who come into contact with lots of women andwould like to know how to capitalize on their goodfortune.    Here's what to do:    The easiest thing in the world to do in yourcurrent situation is to say, "Hey, do you haveemail?"    Most people do and if she says yes, just pullout a piece of paper and have her write it down.And, WHILE SHE'S WRITING say, "And write yournumber down there too." This is one of my favoriteone-two combinations.    Then, the next day, send her an email and tellher that she should get together with you for acup of tea and some stimulating conversation. Thisis both easy and charming, and it works like,well... a charm.    And for heaven's sake man, start getting theemail and digits from the - probably - MILLIONS OFBABES that you meet in the fashion industry andwhile promoting clubs. Heck, if you don't wantthem, send them to me.  ***SUCCESS STORY*** I'm sure you'll find this interesting Dave.There's a girl I liked a while back. Her and Idated for a few weeks, and then she startedbacking out. Less communication, avoiding the"alone time" etc. Well, that confused the hell outof me because I didn't see it coming, nor did Iknow what was going on in her head. I did getfrustrated, but I dealt with it, and moved on. Butbefore I moved on, I told her very friendly, "Iknow you don't want to continue dating, but youknow that we're still friends... " So we had anice talk and stuck to friendship. Still wonderingwhy it broke off between us, I came across yourbook. After I read it, I became "enlightened" asto what happened. Let's just say I read about the"needy" guy, and cringed. I came on too strong toher. It's like putting on a lot of cologne... nomatter how good the smell is, too much stinks.Well, after being "enlightened," I decided to trya few of your concepts on her. I will honestlytell you that she's all over me now. (all over).Anyways, I'm known for never finishing books, butyours I've read about 3 times now. Waiting for anew publication..." >>>MY COMMENTS:    Ah, yes. Isn't it wonderful when you realizehow the psychology works?  ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave! I enjoy reading your writing. I dated a lot and fooled around quite a few, but Ihave fallen for this girl, and I made a mistake bytelling her, not once but twice, how much I feelfor and want her before she revealed her feelingtoward me. Consequently she told me later on thatshe would like to do casual dating with me.  Andrecently I found out that she is seeing two orthree other guys simultaneously.  GUYS OUT THERE,REMEMBER THIS. NEVER REPEAT MY MISTAKE!!!! Having recognized my error and conceded defeat, Iwant to cut my loss by telling her this weekend ina face to face meeting that I don't want to seeher any longer. But I can't forget her and keepwondering if I should make one more effort to winher back. I guess I am a regular human being,suffering from loss of her love. Should I change my mind, what techniques can I useto win her back? Or I should simply walk away from her and forgeteverything about her? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, B. >>>MY COMMENTS:    Well, I'm glad that you've realized yourmistake...    Too often, we men find a particularlyinteresting woman and then come to the logical***INTERESTING EMAIL FROM A WOMAN*** This is a success story. Your success, not mine.And I need your help. I really doubt that anybodyelse can help me. This is the story. I am a woman.I am absolutely agreed with every word you sayabout dating, phone number and email, cocky/funnyattitude, phone calls, and kiss. Everything yousay is right. Beside this talent you have veryunique quality: you can see the persons problemfrom few sentences. Now I need you to tell me whatis my problem. I am immigrant from Russia livingin Canada. I am at my latest 20 and I'm quiteattractive and I want to have a boyfriend. I amnot the person who settles for less. . I have noproblem to get a date. I have a problem to get thesecond one with the guy I like. I know all mindgames including "I'm so Hard To Get and Busy" and"Oh I'm so helpless". To meet a guy is not aproblem, but, very few of my dates are cocky &funny guys. And that is what I like. Now tell me:what do you cocky-funny guys look for? What makesyou call back second, third and twenty-third time.I am not asking for an answer like: wash yourhair, offer to split the bill and be adventurous,I know all this from Cosmo. There is somethingbigger then this, something that North Americangirls learn at their very yang age and it is sosimple so nobody talks about it. Tell me what isit that attracts cocky-funny guys.  I really needto know. Thanks. L. Russian women who are looking for cocky & funnyguys. There is no charge for your initial[removed]// <![CDATA[ (function() { var tabView = new YAHOO.widget.TabView('articles'); })(); // ]]>[removed]  ***COMMENT*** yo David! this is the greatest stuff i have ever seen. itssoooooo easy and yet, until it dawns on you, itseems frustrating. all you nice guys know what I'mtalking about...no sex? girls don't call back?LISTEN to DAVID!! its the simplest formula in theworld. here it is again for the millionth time... COCKY+FUNNY=WOMEN!!!NUMBERS!!!!!ATTRACTION!!!!FUN!!! SEX!!!forget all that gadget crap, mind "tricks" andpalmistry (don't get me wrong, each CAN beeffective...) it makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCEwhat you do, its the cocky, funny way you do it!be confident! go up to some girls and say supgirls, ask their names, then look at the hottestone and say ARE YOU TRYING TO PICK ME UP???!!!!hahaha and just keep teasing, making the framethat she wants you, and BE SURE TO TELL HER YOUKNOW SHE WANTS YOU!!!! trust me on this, when yousee her face light up with a smile, it will betime, young grasshopper, to become a real LADIESMAN!!! peace, may the CF be with you... N. >>>MY COMMENTS:    You know, you'd make a great walking billboardfor my... well...    The problem is that you sound like a late nightinfomercial and I don't think anyone would believeyou...   ***QUESTION*** David, You are a wise man. I feel the truth in your words. I want to implement the techniques that you speakof, I do, I REALLY do. But it seems that when Icome in contact with women that I think areattractive, I  can't, or more precisely, I don't.I think I'm afraid of rejection. If I ask a woman for her number within threeminutes, I just can't see her giving it to me. And if she did, I wouldn't know when to call her(I'm thinking of the 2 day rule from "Swingers")or if I should call her at all and just keepretreating (a la "Tao of Steve") Do you subscribe to the theories presented inthese films and do you teach a class? If yes where do I sign up? D. >>>MY COMMENTS:    I understand where you're coming from...    I would NEVER have believed that a woman wouldgive out her number to a complete stranger in 2 or   When she says "Yes", just take out a pen andpaper and give it to her, expecting her to writeit down. When she does, say, "Nice meeting you,I'll chat with you again when I have some moretime..." and walk away.    Once you're comfortable doing that, starthaving them write their number down as well. It'sreally not that difficult.    As far as how long to wait to call, etc? Justdon't email or call the same day! Email the nextday, and use what you've learned to take things tothe next level.  ***QUESTION*** Dave, I haven't had success like this with women in mylife. You sure know your stuff. I've read yourbook about 10 times and I'm still reading it. ButI do have one question though. I have a majordownfall when it comes to communication withwomen. I do good at approaching them and I usuallysay "Hey, how's it goin'?", but I CAN'T FINDANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT. That's my downfall. If Ican keep a conversation going that could the best.But I'm lacking skills in that part, and like yousaid, your success all comes down to your skills.Well Dave, I need a new skill. Can you please helpme. Any feedback will be much appreciated. ~J. >>>MY COMMENTS:    You're going to love this answer.    Don't "talk" about anything at all. Tease, makefun, act cocky & funny, and get the email/digits.    The idea that you have to "talk aboutsomething" will lead you to a curious dry feelingbetween your legs...  ***QUESTION*** Dear David... I'm a 37-year-old guy, not bad looking, dresspretty well, nothing in the way of greatdetractors in my habits that I can tell. Growing up in a liberal town of liberal-minded,feminist parents, where most conversations werematter-of-fact and direct, very little teasingoccurred, etc. it's been hard trying to lose mymatter- of-fact approach to talking to women andgain this bad-boy-ish attitude you talk about inyour book.  It is the complete antithesis to muchof who I see myself as. That said, I still want togive it a try, since being a natural Sensitive Guy(although not a pushover) hasn't given me the hugesuccess I'd like. My problem comes from my age.  Most of the womenfrom 28 up that I meet all want to get marriedpretty soon, and seem to assess me as husbandmaterial rather than sexy- man material.  Myfriends say "Well, why don't you just date youngerwomen?" As if it were that easy! I want to approach tons of women (despite the fearI feel at each approach if it doesn't already feellike a natural opportunity to me). I have a strongsense, though, that a 37-year-old guy approachinga 23-year-old girl (or anyone under 28, say) wouldbe looked on with suspicion by the girl,especially since I'm nobody famous or rich orwhatever.  It's like it's already a giant strokeagainst me, adding to the already huge on I feel Ihave being this naturally considerate, even-handed, egalitarian sort of guy. I couldn't find it in your book, but have youhonestly seen guys my age do just as well with theyounger girls as guys in their 20s? I'd find thathard to believe; you always hear younger girlstalking about "creepy older guys" (even if thoseguys aren't noticeably creepy -- the mere factthat they're approaching the younger girls seemsto freak them out). What do you think about this? -B. >>>MY COMMENTS:    First of all, you're not alone. I know thatthere are a lot of other men out there who arethinking, "I'm a nice, stable, intelligent guy...and I should be able to attract women."    You must realize that women don't really careif you're a nice guy. "Nice" doesn't light uptheir emotions and make them feel A GUT LEVELATTRACTION.    What DOES make them feel it? You guessed it...teasing, humor, unpredictable behavior and thatmagical combination of being Cocky & Funny.    I heard a great theory once: Too many of usguys were raised by our MOTHERS, and not ourfathers. Or, we were raised in a household whereour mothers dominated our fathers. In either case,we learned how to please a MOTHER, not how toattract a LOVER.    Do yourself a favor, and think for a momentabout  what it would be like to be an attractivewoman in your mid 20s who is approached all thetime by "nice" guys that want to take you out andbore you with conversation about the news andweather. Now ask yourself: "What kind of guy wouldinstantly get my attention and cause me to feel anattraction to him?"    Women like the kind of personality that Iprescribe.    They like it the same way as we guys like firm,young bodies and beautiful faces. Think about it.    ...and that about wraps it up.    If you want to learn the secrets that havetaken me YEARS to figure out, then I would highlyrecommend that you go and download a copy of myonline eBook, "Double Your Dating." My book isn'tan imaginary work of fiction that I dreamed up forentertainment purposes.    It's the result of studying what successfulguys do to attract women, then personally testingout and refining what I learned until I felt likeI could explain it in a way that other guys couldunderstand. I also include three booklets with itthat describe the different steps from gettingemails, all the way to getting physical, thepersonality types of the men that are mostattractive to women, and how to turn a woman on inways she's never experienced.   And, if you're ready for SUPER success withwomen and dating, then it's time for you to stepup to the plate and order yourself a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.    I'm talking about over 12 full hours ofdigitally recorded and edited audio or video of MEpersonally teaching you my very best material...the stuff that I teach only in this program and atmy live seminars.    You can order it and try it at zero risk... andI'll even ship it to you in a plain box for yourprivacy. Try it... if you don't like it, just sendit back and you won't pay anything. If you love it(and I know you will because you're going to meetmore women after you go through it), just keep itand I'll even bill you in five easy payments.    I can't make it any easier or at any lowerrisk.    I'll talk to you again soon.       Your Friend,       David D. P.S. Make sure you take a few minutes and lookthrough all the different programs that I've puttogether to help you learn how to meet women... P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines: 1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax. 2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations. 3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first. 4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from. 5) Send it to me at: SuccessStories@DoubleYourDating.com    ...don't just hit "reply" to this email.    Thanks!   --------------------------------------------------Copyright 2007 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------  __________________________________________________If you are under 18 years old, please follow the link below and remove yourself, or you can send mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109.    [-271.070702GR2-]