Why Choose a Baby Shower Theme?

Still deciding whether to go for a theme-based baby shower? Then this is a MUST-read for you.

Having a theme for your baby shower will not just make everything about it more coordinated, it will also make it more interesting. And when we say it will be interesting, we are not just referring to the actual shower, but the planning itself. In short, even you, the person who needs to work double-time to make sure everything is in order, will find the entire process enjoyable!

Your chosen theme will be seen from your invitation, decoration, the food you'll be serving, to your games/activities, in short, everywhere! You will find yourself trying to piece things together so that anything and everything about your party is related to your theme. And this is where "your enjoyment" will enter the scene. Think of how you will customize typical games and activities so as to comply with your chosen theme. Or if you are in a more creative mood, why settle for customizing, when you could invent a game or two yourself. And seeing everything come together with your theme everywhere, plus the oohs and ahhs of your guests, especially mom-to-be's, will make all that hard work worth it.

And if this is your Nth time to plan a baby shower, throwing a theme-based party is definitely a great change. Well, we could imagine that after coming up with the same decoration ideas and the same game ideas for the Nth time, this is far from enjoyable for you, and only the thought that mom-to-be counts on you that keeps you going. But if you just came from planning a shower for a friend, and you're now set to throw a shower for another friend, well, making the upcoming shower different is just a matter of choosing another theme, which will mean a new set of everything, from invitation to the different activities.

If it's boring for you, just imagine how it is for your guests, who probably are attending their 9th or 10th baby shower party. They're imagining the same old games and the like, and they're one step nearer to not RSVPing. You definitely owe it to your guests to throw an interesting party. Start by making them look forward to it, and you could definitely do that by choosing a theme that is not a typical baby shower theme. And given your chosen theme, challenge their creative juices in coming up with an idea on what to wear for the party. You could even award the person with the best "costume" with some pretty prizes that will make her the envy of your other guests.

But it doesn't stop there. Depending on how creative were you in your theme execution, your guests will definitely be intrigued on how you were able to integrate a not so baby shower theme, into a baby shower. And we're pretty sure they will notice the great difference between your party and other typical baby shower parties they attended previously.

Now that you're in the mood for a theme-based party, it's now time to be serious and get down to business. By this time, you will be asking, what theme should I go for?

Before anything else, here are some things that you need to consider:

  • Is it an all-female shower? All male? Or couples shower? Family shower?

  • Is mom-to-be having a boy or a girl?

  • Is mom-to-be having twins?

  • Will it be a surprise shower?

The above information will play a role on what theme to choose. For example, if mommy is having a boy, then it's definitely not a good idea to throw an All Pink party. An All Pink baby shower might also not be a good idea if it will be an all men shower.

And if it will be a surprise party, then choosing the right theme could be a little tricky, since usually, the theme will be agreed or will be based on mom-to-be's preference. You definitely need somebody really close to mommy to validate whatever theme you have an eye for.

Ready to choose your theme? There are lots of theme-ideas, and they're just one click away.