The Alternative To Sun Tanning is A Spray Tan

With more and more of us understanding the serious consequencesof suntanning, we are looking for alternatives. One of the mostinteresting and improved alternatives is to get a spray tan.

Do any of you remember the first self tanners that hit theshelves many years ago - wella you became instant orange. Wellwe've come along way babe! The hottest thing to hit the beautyseen is "spray tanning." You really need to check out what'savailable these days!

Spray tan in a can is the latest in sunless tanning technology.Forget lotions or pump sprays that leave uneven tones. Althoughlotions have come along way from the carrot orange days, somecan still leave you with orange under tones. Aerosol tanningsprays can leave you with a perfect looking, no hassle, eventan. Spray tan in a can is the safest, easiest way to get aperfect sunless tan at home! No more harmful UV rays or trips tothe tanning bed.

You will want to find a reputable shop. Ask around, word ofmouth is always a good way to find out what salon does the bestspray tanning. Once you've chosen a salon book your appointment.If your planning to have a spray tan for a special event, saylike your wedding, then I would suggest a trial run about amonth prior. If you like the results you can book again, if youdon't then I suggest trying another salon.

On the day of your appointment shower and exfoliate. Use aloofah and shower gel and body scrub to remove all your dry/deadskin. This will ensure an even application.

At the salon they will give you instructions, often theseinstructions are in the form of the video. The whole procedureand what you need to do will be explained to you.. Someimportant things to remember: 1. hold your breath when the sprayis going off (for about 14 seconds and its very challenging)

2. follow the instructions "exactly" as to where to apply thelotion to block the spray on your feet and hands. You need toblock the spray from your hands and feet because these areashave excess wrinkles and creases, so if they are sprayed youwill get a tell-tale white veiny looking areas in the creases.

3. when the spray stops you need to turn around

4. when you leave the spray booth you will be given towels towipe down and remove any excess spray. Make sure you wipe notblot.

The color from your spray tan will last anywhere from 7-10 days.The treatments are still a bit on the pricey side at around$40.00 a treatment, so this isn't something you get done on aregular basis, more like a treat or for a special occasion. Somecompanies sell packages that give you a reduced rate.

It is important to apply plenty of moisturizer on a regularbasis to the extent the life of your Spray on Sun Tan. If youhave very dry skin use a deep moisturizer. Blend any moisturizerinto the skin and do not wipe it off as this will remove some ofyour spray tan. Baths, spas and swimming in chlorinated poolswill reduce the life of your tan.

Tips for spray tanning... 1. All the spray tanning in the worldwill do you no good if it attaches itself to dead skin that isabout to come off your body so be sure to Exfoliate! Use aloofah sponge in the bath the night before you spray tan sessionto remove these dead skin cells.

2. Choose your clothes carefully. Pick clothes that cover allthe parts of your body you won't be tanning. Select tightfitting clothes so that the tan spray cannot go under yoursleeves. Choose dark colored clothes, since spray tanners willstain clothing.

3. Follow the instructions! Provided by the Salon. Self-tanningbooths typically have a handout, so read up, and make sure youknow what to do!

4. For 30-60 seconds after a self-tanning booth application youneed to Stand still. This will ensure that your tan driesevenly. Although it does take longer than 30 seconds for yourspray tan to dry completely, the first minute or more is whenyou run a real risk of rubbing off the self-tanner before it hasa chance to work.

5. After your spray tan application you will need to Blot yourskin with a towel to catch any drips. 6. Because your feetnormally get less sun than the rest of you, your feet are palerand may get dark faster, so it is important to Protect yourfeet. If you are spraying yourself, go lightly on the feet. Ifyou are using a salon use the paper booties that are provided toprotect your feet. You can later apply a self tanner to yourfeet to give them the appropriate amount of color.

If you've got a special event coming up, perhaps a wedding,prom, or a re-union, spray tanning might be something you'llwant to try. When done correctly it results in a very naturallooking tan adding summer color to your pale winter skin.