Detained Indefinitely Through Petty Legal Limbo

There are deeper problems in our country than we even know.  Laws have a way of legitimating prejudice, which unleashes brutality even in normally mild, respectable citizens. This encourages meanness and cruelty, even to the point of making it acceptable to kill "undesirables" among us.

In 1995 a cop found a chrunched up piece of paper, a sea shell, a merry xmas balloon in front of her house.  For this, Kini Cosma was condemned and  convicted in darkness as a felony stalker and sex offender (As G-d is my witness.)   The victors continuing to take on this vanquished woman by confining her indefinitely to an abyss of hell.


Wrongly scapegoated and criminalized because she is a lesbian and  perceived as a sex object, actions are being permitted to forcibly change her very ability to formulate particular thoughts and are contributing to the hateful expressions to tally its score in the forms of making ALL LEGAL ACTIVITIES ILLEGAL.

Despite her fierce resistance and rigorous battles and appeals for violations of the internationally recognized prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which governments are called upon to interpret so as to extend the widest possible protection against abuses, whether physical or mental, this author is now prohibited from engaging in constitutionally protected activities others are entitled to.

This disparate impact of  discrimination has manifested itself into the active encouragement of constant harassment, the toleration of the harassing behavior, and the failure to take adequate steps to deter or punish harassment resulting in over 15 years of police brutality, menacing communities and judicial terrorism to create ever-changing forms of confinement in a life of misery, grief, and torture.

The serial abusers have been law enforcement officers from the cities of Napa and Susanville in California to Klamath Falls, Oregon who are highly skilled at abuse without being detected.   At the cost of doing business, other U.S. officials has arbitrarily detained and isolated Kini Cosma in petty legal limbo indefinitely.

This ignored consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violation of human right have costed a calibration of harm that will never be replaced and cover the financial, emotional deficits sustained or be cured through mental health.meWandering.PNG

The cruelty of this madness and verocity is further compounded by media  cover-up, a systematic, deliberate cover-up; a media blackout that is diverting this author's financial resources by implicating these ever-changing forms of obstructing justice, practices that have infected the justice system at every turn since before 1995.

The extraordinary obstacles of systematic neglect have included the icy sophistry prolonging mental anguish, inhuman and degrading treatment profoundly separating her from the human family.

Alco Metals ( / ) illegally seized Kini's $100k rightfully inherited trust estate funds so that this author would have to suffer years of lost business entrepreneurship, joblessness, and other lost opportunities to frustrate purposes of productivity.

There is a wealth of information and resources available to help victims of domestic violence recognize and escape the violence in their lives, except if your batterer happens to be a police officer.  Most of the progress that has been made in developing resources and assistance for battered women is of no benefit to me and there are no affirmative actions to halt their behavior.

None of this behavior is exclusive to systematic infringers who continue to use psychological warfare, corporate greed, and enhanced techniques  while claiming "THE FIFTH."

Help stop aggravated relational aggression using police perpetrated violence and community bullying. Sign the petition at: