Muhammad Says: Do Not Publicize Your Wife' Secret

This is Muhammad School-3

In this article, a Prophetic Hadith about the privacy of marital union is presented. In addition, a little story about three graduates from Muhammad' school, Thabit and Anas (and his mother) is presented.

The privacy of marital couplehood

The Prophet Muhammad said,

"The most evil of the people to Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the man who consorts with his wife and then publicizes her secret.''
[This Hadith is narrated in Muslim's book of Hadith].

This Prophetic Hadith says:

Man, do not disclose your bed experiences between you and your wife to your friend; keep it secret.

Woman, do not disclose your bed experiences between you and your husband to your friend; keep it secret.

This Hadith shows that Islam is very interested in the privacy of marital union.

Islam treats marital union as a blessed and private act, both in social and moral terms. Indeed, the sanctity of marital rights contributes to the consolidation of moral norms and social unity. However, what passes between wife and husband on the consummation night is usually taken in a light vein nowadays. In the morning, both of them relate their sexual experience to their friends respectively. This is moral coarseness which is mismatched with human dignity and civilized behavior. This Hadith considers it as a serious sin which must be eschewed. The bed-experience must be kept confidential by the married couple to the exclusion of a third person.

Do not disclose a secret

Thabit (one of Muhammad's friend) reported:

Anas (one of Muhammad's companion) said:

The Prophet Muhammad came to me while I was playing with the boys. He greeted us and sent me on an errand. This delayed my return to my mother.

When I came to her, she asked, "What detained you?''

I said; "The Prophet Muhammad sent me on an errand.'' She asked, "What was it?''

I said, "It is a secret.''

My mother said; "Do not disclose to anyone the secret of The Prophet Muhammad.''

Anas said to Thabit: By Allah, were I to tell it to anyone I would have told you.
[This Hadith is narrated in Muslim's book of Hadith].

Here, again, an emphasis has been laid on keeping a secret. When Anas told his mother about the cause of secrecy, she refrained from insisting that the secret should be disclosed to her. Rather, she lent support to her son's standpoint and advised him to conceal the secret. To be sure, it is part of moral teaching that we should keep the secrets of friends in our hearts. Unless we receive a go-ahead from a friend, we must not make his secret public.