Tired Of Dating Scammers? Where To Meet Real Women

ChinaLoveMatch.net (CLM), a premier international online Chinese dating service, was surprised when it recently received a request from a professional educator to remove a profile he had registered. He indicated he had registered this particular membership as a means of demonstrating to his class "a fine example of internet security". Now teachers are using CLM as a teaching tool for their students as to how online security should be handled.

When it comes to Online Dating, few websites offer the security and service provided by ChinaLoveMatch.net (CLM). While this website is focused on international internet dating services for Western men seeking long term relationships with the pretty Chinese woman of their dreams, it provides security from internet scammers and predators that is unmatched by even the large corporate and ultra impersonal online dating websites.

If you're a Western or foreign male wishing to seek China woman, find China woman, meet Chinese woman and date a sincere China woman for a real long term relationship then you're bound to love CLM. Members of various websites in this interest category have continuously decided on ChinaLoveMatch.net as their final home, after comparing the others and finding them sadly lacking in the security, service and enjoyment offered by CLM.

Some of the features offered by CLM that are not only absent on other International Chinese Dating websites, but are also lacking on the larger corporate owned dating sites are:

1. Scammer Prison – on CLM all scammers found on the website who attempt to part any member from his or her money is instantly convicted to Scammer Prison, their profiles and posted photos published on the internet, and notices are sent to every member ever contacted by them.

2. IP Checking – ChinaLoveMatch.net has built in IP checking, allowing members the ability to check the IP of any member they are chatting with, receiving messages from or even viewing the profile of – allowing them to quickly determine if that person is where (and therefore who) they say they are. You can seek Chinese woman in confidence, knowing "she" is not actually in some other country.

3. Instant Member Notification – any member who has been in contact with another member who is caught in inappropriate behavior is notified by both an email message to his/her registered email address and by a notice in his/her CLM inbox alerting him/her of the danger of communicating with the canceled member.

4. Reporting & Investigation – while most dating websites, big or small, are busy pretending scammers don't exist, ChinaLoveMatch.net is taking them on and doing everything possible to eliminate them. This includes ongoing education of members as to what to watch out for and encouragement of all members to report to the website any suspicious or scammer-like behavior. CLM investigates every report and advises the reporting member what has been discovered and what steps are being taken.

Here's what one member, an American Lawyer, had to say in response to a CLM Scammer notice: "Thanks for your heads up warnings guys. This member is appreciative. … I am happy to offer any testimonial you seek, as to the highest level of service in the industry from your site, and your concern and protection for members."