Break-Up - Women Conclude They Are Worthless

When a loving relationship ends in a bad break-up initiated by the man, a woman often feels confused and worthless. She may think: "how could I be worth something if dumps me out of the blue?"

If you're heartbroken and you believe that you're worthless, you unconsciously try to avoid this kind of suffering in the future. So you're not worthless but there is a survival mechanism in your mind that will do whatever it takes to protect you from pain. In your situation, it does this by making you feel like you're not valuable enough and you don't have what it takes to deal with a man who has a certain kind of power. That way, you'll avoid these men who may break your heart again. So what can you do about it?

Well, first of all, here's a universal law of human nature:we think how we feel.If you feel really bad, you're going to think in a negative and pessimistic way. You may act angry and frustrated. On the other hand, if you feel really good, you're going to think in a positive and optimistic way. You may be playful, kind, open etc. So here's an idea to keep in mind:develop the ability of not taking yourself too seriously when you feel bad.Recognize that you're having a bad time and that you'll be negative about everything that goes through your mind. Then decide that whatever goes through your mind during this time, isn't real and it's just temporary. Above all,don't turn your negative thoughts into beliefsbecause otherwise you'll limit your life in ways you can't even imagine.

Then, take action in the way of becoming a master of your own love life. You probably know the saying "there's no smoke without fire". Well, if the effect isn't the one you desire, then there's something that went terribly wrong along the way. Here's what I mean:you either made some bad mistakes in your relationship(even if you may not realize it and you won't if you're not very good at things like attraction, seduction, influence, relationships etc)OR, you didn't choose the right man(the kind of man that is ready to settle down and have a family).

No matter who's "fault" it is, after a bad break-up you'll still be temporarily single and the things that you must do to change this situation are always the same:find a way to escape the gravity of this sad event, fully recover from it and then engage in a process of becoming a master of your own love life.Every woman goes through a bad break-up at some point in her life and many of them have had it worse than you could imagine. But in the end, the ones who go on even stronger than before and succeed in their love life in the long run, are those who do exactly what I've just told you:let go and then learn.Have your "never again" response not to being in a loving relationship, but to having such a relationship and not possessing the skills to hold on to it.