How to Get Back Your Ex Lover Before Christmas

Imagine that you are celebrating the coming Christmas without your lover, are you sure you want to take this alone? Perhaps for everything that has happened, to getback your ex lover before Christmas seems to be impossible. You might think that you do not even have the chance to see your ex again, so how should you get back your ex lover with a few weeks left?

"Every relationship can be salvaged even if your situation seems to be impossible!" This is a famous quote came out from a relationship guru who has saved more than 6000 of broke up souls in just half a year.

My break up happened few months ago, I couldn't stop thinking of my ex lover and no matter how hard I tried, I never even had the chance to get near to her, not to mention that every of my text messages and calls are ignored completely by her, I still can recall that she didn't even reply a single message to me! So what did I do to eventually get back my ex lover again?

Here are some short tips for you and since Christmas is just a few weeks ahead, I integrated some techniques which can only be used before Christmas to get back your ex lover:

Give your ex lover some hints that you still love her- Ask help from some of her friends whom you are close with. They are your "secret agents" who provide you information of her every weekly and helping you to say good things in front of her.

Prepare your speech- Make it humorous. Don't make the whole situation bore down.

Christmas card- Send her a Christmas card to date her now. If possible, make a nice Christmas card yourself to show sincerity.