Understanding the Aging Process

Being a parent is something natural. Everyone would be heading to the aging process. After going through the peak period or period of "golden age" around the age of 40 years, every human life will start to decline graph. Various organs, cells, and the function of many factors in the body will experience setbacks.

Decrease in various organs and body functions in the elderly or elderly people are often afraid of many people. Many people have the idea that growing old is no more than the figure of an old man who can not do anything, always depending on others, and just waiting to die. Being elderly is a natural process fair. Precisely what we need to do is understand the aging process and give meaning when we grow old. Therefore, parents need not be feared.

When the age old tread, indeed many bodily functions decline. At the age of 50 years, the ability of his senses began to decrease. So also the physical and metabolic activity will decrease. As a result the energy needs of elderly people will also be decreased by around 10-15 percent. Sensitivity to sweet and salty taste decreased, including the sense of smell. This condition will cause those who have not aged in an optimal food.

In addition the ability of seniors to process the food intake will also decrease. This is due to reduced production of saliva, so his ability to swallow food will also decrease. Decreased saliva production will also menyababkan tooth decay, so that not a few parents whose teeth many dates. These two conditions which cause elderly people will have difficulty mengunyak and swallowing food.

So also in the stomach where the food has digested, will decrease the absorption of the nutrient content of food due to reduced production of stomach acid and bile acids. A number of elements that are difficult absorbed nutrients are calcium, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and fat. Protein content of food is also slow due to reduced secretion of the body is absorbed and the enzyme pepsin proteolotik.

Which also do not fail to disturb the bowel problem. Due digestive process capability, the leftovers should be discarded will accumulate due to the slow process of disposal. So it's no wonder that many elderly people often experience constipation or difficult bowel movements. (*)
