How to Get Your Ex Back After She Dumped You

The love of your life just dumped you, or so you think she is the love of your life. I'm sure it won't make you feel any better, but ¾ of breakups are initiated by the woman? This article will help youget your ex back.

One of the first steps is to determine if your relationship is worth saving. Did she do the right thing by dumping you? A lot of couples stay together simply because it is easier than finding a mate that is more compatible. Is this why you want toget your ex back?

If this is the case, maybe it was a good thing your girlfriend called it quits. If it is not, read on for more steps onhow to get your ex back.

Does she love you? You need to find out if she does. If she does still love you, then you have a very good chance at getting her back.

What you need to do next is make her come to you. I am not talking about driving her nuts with phone calls, and text messages either! That could be considered stalking. And if you are behaving this way, you will only drive your ex further away from you.

What you need to do next is act like you accept the break up. Go ahead and date other women! I know this sounds crazy, but believe me it works!

The next thing you need to do is get back in touch with yourself. I'm sure you have let yourself go, since you got settled into your relationship with your ex. Most people do. We tend to not work out as much, not watch what we are eating… Tend to gain more weight.

Just think about it. Then do something to make yourself feel better. Go for a walk, go to the gym, start eating better.

Once you accomplish some of these steps you will begin to see a trend. You will be pleasantly surprised with how your ex is behaving towards you.

Now, don't jump off the deep end here, and start in with the crazy stuff, once you realize she is interested again. You need to take it slowly. If you don't, there will be no chance toget your ex back.