How to Keep Your Boyfriend -10 Things to Avoid

You are probably reading this because you're worried about your relationship with your boyfriend. Maybe things are going as well as they used to be. Maybe he's not calling you as often as he used to. Are the two of you not spending as much time together is used to? Do you find the two of you getting into arguments more frequently? If some of these statements are true; if you answer yes to some of these questions, maybe you want to begin thinking about things that you are doing to push your boyfriend away.

Or maybe your boyfriend has already broken up with you. Now you're looking for ways to figure out why it happened. Take a look at the list below and consider that you might've been doing some of these things.

The list I am about to show you doesn't give much details. But what it does do is give you some ideas of things that you may be doing that push your boyfriend away.

1. Talking badly about his friends

2. Complaining about the way he dresses

3. Acting jealous

4. Not letting them spend time with his friends

5. Trying to mother him

6. Not focusing on the things you like about him

7. Arguing about trivial things

8. Calling him and texting him constantly

9. Trying to take over his personal space

10. Focusing on what he can do for you

There are of course many things that a person can do to push the person they are dating away. However this is the list that will most likely push your boyfriend away. Her member the point of this is to not do these things. Now you may say to yourself "there are things on this list that he does that drive me nuts". It may be true that you don't like some of his friends. But, that doesn't mean you should talk badly about them. If there's one of them in particular that you think is bad for him, tell him so and tell him why. Don't just talk down about that person but explain why you think that he should avoid hanging out with him.

Rather than complaining about the way he dresses, try buying him a shirt that you like and you know that he will like. Maybe it's true that he needs to improve the way that he dresses. Backspace, but telling him that he doesn't look good doesn't help your relationship. Focus on positive things and by buying him the shirt or pair of pants or maybe a hat, you're not only improving the way he looks but also you're putting the focus on him. He will appreciate you more if you show that you care for him.

In future articles on “How to Keep Your Boyfriend”, I'll focus more on the other items in this list. If you're worried about your relationship with your boyfriend try taking a look at the other articles. If your boyfriend recently broke up with you take a look at the list.