Why Your Ex Will not Leave You - 2 No Contact Rule Myths Shredded

Let me explain why your ex will not leave you. Everyone thinks that their ex will leave them if they use the no contact rule. But, guess what? They are already gone, that's why they are your ex boyfriend/girlfriend...Right? The big mystery here is why do they want to keep in touch with you, but not be in a relationship with you, right? Well, lets solve that mystery and shred these myths. The ?tid=ab54" " no contact rule works and here's why.

Why Your Ex Will Not Leave You - The No Contact Rule Myth 1 Shredded

This is the mother of a the no contact rule myths. If I use the no contact rule on my ex, they will get mad at me. OK, lets take a look at that statement for a second. They already left you, did that make you mad? I bet it did, but yet here you are wanting them back anyways...Why is that?

Because you still love them. If the same holds true with your ex, then even if they get mad, they will not fall out of love with you, right? If you use the NC rule correctly, you will be polite, and that should not make anyone mad, maybe a little jealous though...catch my drift? Your ex will not leave you if you use the no contact rule. Lets kick this NC myth's ass out of here and move on...shall we?

Why Your Ex Will Not Leave You - The No Contact Rule Myth 2 Shredded

This one's just as bad. If I use the 30 day no contact rule my ex will find someone else. Not true, you're ex left you remember? Do you think by staying in contact with them, that they are magically going to fall back in love with you? This is a bigger Myth than this one, here's why. Why would they want to be committed to you when they already have you following them around like a little puppy dog?

You're always there when they need you now; why get into a relationship again? They can have their cake and eat it too. You're screwing yourself with this plan you think is going to work...screwing yourself. Lets kick this one's ass off into the gutter, and move on. Your ex is not going to find someone else because you start using the 30 day no contact rule. What will happen if you do not use NC is they will probably find someone else, and want to be your friend...sound familiar? If you really want to get your ex back then you must get a good plan and follow it.

If You Want Your Ex Back Lets Close The Deal

Whatever you're doing now isn't working or you wouldn't be reading this article, right? So, why keep doing things that are not working? I think you are really hurting yourself if you dismiss the no contact rule. This plan works, but it requires a lot of focus and emotional control.

Most people can not do this all by themselves. That is why it is wise to find someone who will help you take on this battle. If you are emotionally unbalanced you need someone or something to keep you in balance...Right? I mean, do you really think by randomly getting advice from friends, family, and co-workers, that you're going to succeed?

You need a plan, a plan that works. If you want to survive this break up you'll need help. If you do not have a good plan I do, and it works. I'll be happy to help you, and to support you. Just contact me and start learning how to use the ?tid=ab54" " no contact rule . Do It Today! Learn from your mistakes before you make them, and win your ex back. What can I do to help you get your ex back? Write me and let me know...OK?

Until next time,

S. Williams

~I know that “love hurts” but with my help you will get strong enough to kick love's ass~