If your relationship ended out of the blue or you really believe you should be together then you're probably wondering 'how do I get my ex back?'
The first piece of advice I can give is to do it from a position of strength not weakness to keep your dignity.
It's likely you're devastated and rightly so. But showing how much you are suffering and appearing desperate isn't the right thing to do.
Your ex might feel sorry for you but it makes you seem weak and will probably reinforce their choice to end the relationship.
Of course it is tempting to let the world see how hurt and miserable you are but then you appear needy and clingy which is not the look you are going for.
So how do i get my ex back?
You have to ditch the 'feel sorry for yourself' attitude and control your emotions ... at least in public.
You want your ex to think back to when he/she was first attracted to you. Obviously the relationship ended because you aren't like the person they first met anymore. So do you think moping around like an emotional wreck is going to spark happy memories of the past? Of course not.
You need to be that person that he/she fell in love with no matter how long ago it was. If you can be that person it will remind him/her of your good qualities and of how happy you two can be together.