Boyfriend Says He's Not Ready For A Relationship? Here's What To Do

So you're dating this guy, and things are going along just fine... and then suddenly?  He dumps you without reason or warning.  You push... you press... you prod him for a reason why he's ending the relationship so prematurely.  And what does he say?

"I'm just not ready for a relationship"

Well I'm here to tell you that hands down, this is the weakest of all guy cop-outs.

Any time a guy tells you he's abandoning your relationship because he's not ready, there are underlying reasons.  He might not be ready for commitment, but unless you've really been pushing him no guy will ditch a decent relationship for this reason.

Maybe your boyfriend wants to date someone else, or maybe he already is.  Most guys who break off a good thing already have a thing somewhere else.  There will be definite signs your boyfriend is seeing someone else , if you know where to look for them.  Make certain this isn't the case, and that your boyfriend hasn't been cheating on you before continuing your attempts to win him back.

Another reason your boyfriend will end things between you: he's unhappy with the relationship as it is.  For two people to be truly happy, they need to connect emotionally, mentally, and physically.  If you've only got two out of these three requirements (or even just one), your man might feel as if something's missing.  If you can learn what's not being fulfilled on his end, you can work toward creating a relationship he won't want to leave.

Finally, your boyfriend may be looking for a reaction from you.  If you chase after him, he suddenly knows he can get you back whenever he wants.  This might lead to him taking advantage of you, and only calling you when he wants or needs sexual contact.  If you're looking for a more meaningful and long-term relationship, you can't let him see that you're sweating him.  The more he realizes you're hung up on him, the further he'll keep you at arm's length.

When your boyfriend says he's not ready for a relationship, it's because he's testing the boundries of your desire for him.  Show him that you need him, and he's going to walk.  Pull away and disappear for a while?  Your ex will suddenly start looking around for you, and need you back.  By being independent, confident, and cool on your own?  Your boyfriend will gain all new respect for you.

Don't think you can just 'wing it' and get your boyfriend back.  Find out exactly what to do, and how to do it.