How to get your ex back? A tough call. Many do it. There's no precisely mapped path. You wouldn't believe me if I said there was! Nothing in life worthwhile is ever done in painting-by-numbers fashion.

Thousands upon thousands have done it over the years. And you will too, given the right frame of mind, and guidance.

Frame of mind? You know in your heart it's possible or you wouldn't be here. Sure you'll have doubts when and if things take an unwelcome/unexpected turn. Do this one simple thing: keep your aim in view.  No matter  what.  And follow these tried and tested steps to winning love back into your life.

Cool it

Or we could say cool it and take control. They're part and parcel of the same thing at least in some aspects. What's happened has hit you like you've been slugged with a jack hammer. You're not just on your own, which for most of us is a highly unnatural state, but it's enforced.

It's combined with rejection. So we rage at the other party: you can't do this to me! It can get to begging. Then  appealing to their better nature – however you express it. And you know the answer to ‘does it work?'The answer to ‘ will more of it work better?'  goes without saying.

So back off. This strategy works in winning back your ex partner. Obviously someone spending their life backing off wouldn't  make any (forward) progress in any sense at all!

What are they up to?

You  back off before making your forward move. When? There's obviously a judgement factor here. When you've stayed away totally from the other for some time, their curiosity is piqued. Why haven't they contacted me? What're they up to? Who with?

They'll call you after a bit. If you didn't overdo the initial getting-at-them after the breakup. In particular if you weren't insulting to them, it would be unnatural for them not to wonder what you're up to. Supposing  they don't call? You do.

If the interval you left is appropriate , they'll take you're call. Sure you want to know how they're doing. Something neutral. Then another call. This time, and if you judge the vibes are right, suggest a get together for  a meal or just a drink.

Please take note here

There are so many refinements to things possible at this point that it's near impossible to guide you further in just a  short article. But I know a man who can  guide you  and expertly to a successful conclusion.   Give this a shot. I know you'll be pleasantly surprised when you've won love back .