Shoulder And Back Acne - 7 Ways Get Rid Of Back Acne

Back acne – you might not see it, but if you have it, you'll certainly feel it. And although not everyone will get acne on their backs, this condition is common enough to have earned the nickname, 'bacne'. Bacne is quite difficult to treat compared to acne on other parts of the body. Aside from not being readily visible and being hard to reach, the back is also the body part that you lay on most when you sleep. And the pressure applied on the back worsens the condition of your back acne. Back acne can be especially tough because there are more sebaceous glands in this area than on most other parts of your body, and the skin is thicker - which tends to make it more resistant to treatment. As far as whether stress is to blame for your back acne, or hormones, or genetics - no one knows for sure.

Back Acne Treatments

1. Wash your pillowcase often and always use clean face towels. Dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

2. The measure you should immediately take once you find out you've got bacne is to stop wearing tight fitting clothes. Tight clothes can irritate the skin. And if if you have sensitive skin, this can make your bacne worse.

3. Use an anti-bacterial soap, and try for washing twice a day. Be careful not to over-wash, though, because this can irritate your skin and dry it out.

4. Refrain from touching or squeezing your bacne. This will spread the bacne to other parts of the body.

5. Use topical treatments, such as Nature's Cure Vanishing Cream, anywhere that you tend to get breakouts -- don't just spot-treat existing pimples. The pore-clogging process happens two to three weeks before any blemish becomes visible on the skin. This is one of the best natural acne treatment .

6. Engage in a diet that is low in sugar and fat but is rich in vitamins. This prevents back acne by preventing the buildup of excess oil on the skin. Drink plenty of water.

7. Because the skin on your back is thicker than the skin on your face, this is generally safe to do. Experiment with different types of exfoliators - washcloths, loofahs, brushes - and watch your skin for any worsening of the acne or extreme irritation. If you use a scrub, try a sugar-based one rather than one with salt - this will be milder on your skin.