If you have done anythingto try to get your boyfriend back there should be little doubt that he knows that you still love and care about him. Of course, many people go overboard in their attempts to try to get their boyfriend back and ruin whatever chance they might have of ever getting him back through their attempts.

By constantly trying to make contactwith their ex they actually wind up pushing him away instead of showing their love and devotion for their partner. Daily emails, telephone calls and text messages can border on harassment and typically push an ex away instead of accomplishing their intended goal of getting him back.

Many women might tryto defend their actions by saying that without these attempts to work through problems or resolve issues their boyfriend might not know that he is still loved and that the want to work on the relationship. Unfortunately, this view is not really based in reality and most of these women wind up wishing that they had waited until the dust settled from the breakup before attempting to reconnect with their ex.

While emotions are still running highit is easy to fall into this trap. It is easy to become scared that you will never get him back or that he will wind up falling in love with someone else. In all honestly though, by pushing you stand a better chance of pushing him into the arms of another woman who respects him and is a lot more fun than you might be right now. This is key and something that you should try to see from his point of view. How excited would you be to talk to him if you had broken up with him and all he wanted to do was talk about all the problems in your relationship. People tend to be more receptive to other people who are happy, upbeat, positive and fun. Be that person!

Respect his boundaries and respect himas a human being and the man that you love and you might find that the task of repairing your relationship and getting back together with your man is a whole lot easier than you thought. Discussions about your relationship have their time and place. The wise woman knows when her man might be more agreeable and knows how to communicate with a man to get him to see things from her point of view. Trying to MAKE him see your side and agree to get back together rarely works.

So, if you worry that he doesn't knowthat you love him try taking a look at your actions. Are you using this as an excuse to continue to contact your boyfriend and make him agree to get back together? Allow the dust to settle a little bit and create some rapport with your ex so you can gently and lovingly help him to see not only that you love him but that your relationship deserves a second chance.