Guys, Can You Identify The Guaranteed Signs Of A Breakup? Do You Know If She Is Going To Dump You?

You are happy and love with a woman who you think is great.  In your mind your relationship is fabulous.You all have your issues but for the most part, it is smooth sailing.  But recently you have begun to have some doubts about your girlfriend.  She has been very cranky the last few weeks and has taken to snapping your head off for the slightest thing.  She also seems to not want to spend any time with you and is always busy with her friends or family. When you corner her and ask her what is wrong, she just shrugs, says nothing is wrong and changes the subject.  Unfortunately, these are all guaranteed signs of a breakup .

Remember that there are usually warning signs when one partner is unhappy.Most breakups don't just happen without any warning at all.  If she is really unhappy, you need to be able to recognize the signs and you need to be able to identify the almost guaranteed signs of a breakup.

Do you know what 3 of the guaranteed signs of a breakup are?  Let's review them.

  • She is uncommunicative.
  • She is secretive.
  • She avoids you whenever possible.
  • Learn 5 more signs by clicking here.

If you notice any of these signs, you are going to be faced with some difficult questions.  You have to ask yourself:

  • Do you still love your girlfriend?
  • Do you want to stay together?
  • Are you happy in this relationship?
  • Is this relationship worth saving?

If you ultimately decide that you don't want to save this relationship and you really could care less if she leaves you, then do nothing.By saying nothing to her and not addressing any of your problems, you will almost certainly ensure that she will break up with sooner or later and your relationship with her will end.  You may be relieved that she is going to do the dirty deed and leave you which saves you the trouble of dumping her.

But, if you decide that you can't live without her and you want to save this relationship, you are going to have to quickly take action.Your girlfriend has already demonstrated guaranteed signs of a breakup and you will need to address the situation as fast as possible.