5 Ways to Get Back at Your Lost Love or Get Them Back

Is it that you truly want 5 ways to get back at your lost love or rather get back with them?  Relationships are breakable bonds that need to be pampered and maintained to keep them healthy and in safe keeping. To bad but break ups do happen, and they are nerve wrecking, painful and intense. If you are in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you want to get back at your lost love, but is this really the best thing to do? One of the most impressive ways to get back at your ex will put your ex in an interesting predicament, plus repair the relationship by showing your ex how important to them us truly are. Besides these being 5 tips to get back at your ex they too are excellent moves for getting your lost love back.

1 - Be strong. No body wants a needy, sappy cry baby. This goes double when it comes to broken love affair. Do not beg, cling or show any behavior of someone desperate. Let your lost love see that you are moving on without them, you are strong and confident on your own. When you've moved on, your ex will realize that they have not and most likely want you back.

2 - Cease communication. Closing the doors of communication may seem and feel counterintuitive when your focus is to work things out, but it is the most important step to take in getting back at your lost love or getting them back. Give your lost love what they have requested, stop communication, and let him or her brew for a while without a word from the love they have now lost. This will allow your lost lover to clear his or her mind and feel just how valuable your love was.

3 - Be okay with Change. Do not demand that your lost love move out, or come get their things. Be okay with change but let them make it, be a listener and a sympathizer. Your lost lover will be taken back when they see this side of you, and it may inspire them to build on the things that were lacking when the breakup came into action.

4 - Get up and out! This is not the time to be alone. Call your friends, get out of the house and do something. Build a social network, fun and enjoy some change in your life. Do not date, or pay attention to the opposite sex, but you do need to get out and enjoy time with friends. This will be both therapeutic for you, and also help convince your lost lover they have just messed up and let go of a sweet thing.

5 - Just be you. There was a big and profound reason that you and your lost love had a spark to begin with, so get back to the you they feel in love with and let your lost love remember why they loved you from the start. This new self perception of you will no doubt rub off on your lost love as well.