How Do I Get Him to Love Me Again? Proven Advice to Win a Man Back

How do I get him to love me again ? So many women, just like you, wish they had an easy answer to that question. Going through a break up is difficult enough. When you're still in love with your ex, it's even more emotionally challenging. You'd do just about anything to get him to love you again. The problem is that if you don't understand the right approach to take you may risk alienating him even further.

When a woman asks the question, " how do I make him love me again ," her emotions are running on overdrive. She feels everything very deeply and those out of control emotions make her want to do things like call him up and demand he come back or fake being ill to try and trick him into wanting to be with her again. If you feel inclined to speak to your ex when you're crying or feeling lost, don't. Do anything else instead. You need to ensure he never sees you as someone who is pathetic or desperate.

One of the very best pieces of advice you can take if you want to reawaken an ex boyfriend's interest is to suggest the two of you become friends. You're going to view this as a step in the wrong direction if all you want is a future as his girlfriend. However, getting back together is all about taking the right baby steps. So call him up and suggest the idea of a platonic friendship. If he hesitates, make it clear to him that you're not looking for a romantic partnership. If he senses that you just want to keep a connection with him alive without the added burden of trying to reignite the love and affection, he'll be more open to it.

Immerse yourself in your own life after the break up. Rediscover the things that matter most to you. If you've been neglecting spending time with friends or family, do that now. Take a day trip to the spa or invest in a new wardrobe. Make yourself feel great about the woman you are. That confidence will seep through and you'll shine. Your ex will notice the change in you and he'll certainly be impressed.

As the friendship flourishes, ensure that you are a consistent and trusted confidante to your ex. Be sympathetic and understanding. If he can start to see you as someone he can depend and lean on, that will awaken a lot of the feelings that have been buried since the break up. Sometimes all it takes to get a man's interest back is a change in your attitude about yourself, a calm demeanor and a solid foundation of friendship.