I Dumped my Girlfriend, Now I Want Her Back

You dumped your girlfriend and desperately want her back. However, you are going to have to move quickly. But without making the usual mistakes by many men. Mistakes made by those who want to get their ex-girlfriends back.

You want her back and decided one way will be to send expensive gifts. Right. You want to prove to her how you really feel about her and prove it to her and hope this will do it.

Chances are though this will not work. It’s a pretty old method and not very successful. What is needed here is sincerity and honesty. You need to be more innovative if you are to succeed.

The girl you have dumped is going to want to get a little revenge and make you jump a few hoops before she will forgive you. Even though she may also want you back just as much as you want her back.

There is no question or doubt, you may seriously have hurt her pride and feelings. And she will act accordingly. It will depend on how badly you want her back which will determine how prepared you will be to accept the consequences.

You will need to explain truthfully the reasons for your actions. It’s best you take some time to conclude your reason for dumping her. Sit down with her and explain honestly your reasons for your actions.

An apology will definitely be in order along with a promise that this will not occur again, ever. If you truly want her back this should be done with sincerity.

You saw the relationship going too fast, deepening the your feelings for her and panicked. It took you by surprise and you were unaware what was happening. Suddenly you feel smothered and overwhelmed. This is common with many men and instead of talking it over with your girlfriend, you leave, dump her.

Then you find yourself regretful of dumping her and you are now desperate to get her back and renew your relationship. In this situation you need to talk with your ex-girlfriend and be honest with her about your feelings.

However, you need to guard against any situation clearly putting you in the wrong. You have overreacted. Avoid becoming her personal punching bag. No door mat. Be apologetic and understanding, but do not allow her to use you as an emotional vessel to pour out her anger and frustrations, only because you are now available.

Chances that you both have feelings for each other is good and you will get back together again. You may have dumped your girlfriend, but let her know that you sincerely want to start over again and are not reacting to guilt feelings about dumping her.