We Don't Talk Like We Used To... Does That Mean The Relationship is Over?

Remember back to the time when you first met your significant other. You both used talk about anything and everything under the sun. You would stay up late at night talking on the phone for hours - knowing you needed sleep for work or school the next day - but it didn't matter. You were falling in love and the outside world was a blur to you then. What does that say about your situation now?

Does this sound like you?

You barely talk with your mate. You get home from work and say what you need to say and half heartedly discuss some of the day's events. You both then go about your evening doing your own thing.

Is this a sign that your relationship is doomed?

Absolutely not! Relationships go through varying stages. At first you and your newly found mate are just trying to get to know each other as fast as possible. You both put the pedal to the metal in trying to get as much information about each other in the shortest amount of time. It's a fast and furious stage of your relationship, but it does slow down, they all do.

Couples get used to one another. The newness wears off. Sure, sometimes this takes a lot of the fun and excitement out of the relationship. Both of you may even feel like the other is bored. However, most of the time, you will find that your relationship can benefit from a small course in relationship communication. No, this doesn't mean that your relationship is on the rocks. It just needs some tips on keeping each other stimulated.

Want to see how I took my relationship back from total collapse?

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