I Cheated, Will My Girlfriend Ever Forgive Me?

You did something stupid and got caught and now your girlfriend that you love dearly has left you. Unfortunately, this tends to happen in many relationships. Usually, cheating is the perpetrator. For some reason, some guys just can't see the great things they have and cave into their very bad decision making. In the end, and you're left wondering how to make your girlfriend forgive you.

Now, if the love is strong between you and your girlfriend, then you both can work this out. However, that doesn't mean that you immediately demand your girlfriend to start working with you on this. She's going to need some time to settle her feelings. You're going to need some time to regret it and feel bad about it, which you deserve. However, you can also use this time to your benefit.

While you're stranded alone by yourself thinking of the wrong choice you made, you need to also be thinking about your game plan to getting her back. You can start by thinking about how you will make first contact with her.

First contact is the most important time in the process of getting your girlfriend back. Don't approach her and apologize then tell her you cheated because she didn't do something that you thought was necessary. That will definitely make the situation worse. Just forget that approach!

A better strategy is to let your girlfriend know that you realize what you did was absolutely wrong on many levels, and with the time you've had to yourself you also know how painful it has been without her in your life. Explain that you made a huge mistake and risked something as wonderful as her for something that couldn't even compare.

You have to build HER up to make her feel like the BEST choice between her and the other girl... only then can you make your way back into her life.

How I Won My Girlfriend Back at