Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Crucial Tips To Regain His Love And Make Him Your Man Forever

What started out as your dream of a happy and long lasting relationship has turned into heartbreak and your love affair has been torn apart. You keep reliving that moment when he told you he needed some space. Those words keep ringing in your ears and you can see him walking away from you, taking all of your hopes and dreams with him. Now you are desperate to get your ex boyfriend back . If this sounds like what is happening to you, here are some crucial tips to regain his love and make him your man forever.

If you have turned to your friends and relatives for advice, you probably heard the same thing, to let him go and find someone else better. But to you, there can never be someone else better and there is no way that you can just let him go and forget him. You are right, if you feel that this man is the love of your life, you at least owe it to yourself to give getting him back your best effort.

However, part of their advice is good, you do have to let him go for now. Any attempt to contact a man soon after a breakup could be disastrous and end the relationship for good. The best thing you can do at this point is to give him the space he wanted. This means no phone calls, emails or text messages.

When he broke up with you, he was expecting you to be crying and begging him to love you again. To get your ex back, you need to do the unexpected and ignore him a while seeming to be taking the breakup in stride. By acting as if it did not effect you at all, your ex will begin to have second thoughts. He was counting on you coming after him and when you do not, it will cause him to wonder if you still care for him.

The longer you can hold out from contacting him, the better chance you have of making him call you. As soon as he realizes how much he misses you , he will also fear that he is losing you. When this happens, you have turned things completely around and he is the one that feels rejected and desperate to get his ex back, and he will send you an email to see if you will answer him. Do not answer it. By not answering the email, you will force him to call you.

Take his call, but tell him you were just going out the door and will have to get back to him. This keeps you in control and shows him that you were not just sitting there waiting for his call. When you return his call, he will want to talk, but tell him that you would rather do it face to face and arrange a time and place for the meeting. Showing him your strength and maturity by not chasing him is the best way to get your ex boyfriend back, regain his love, and make him your man forever.