I Screw Up And Still Get Back My Girlfriend - Key Strategies I Used

It was a sickening feeling when she left and all I could think about was what could I do in order to get back my girlfriend. Looking back it's obvious that there were some things I did that I should have done in a different way but that's in the past and I needed to figure out a way to get her back asap.

I'll tell you what I've learned through all of this: You will not be able to figure out the real reasons why she ended it. A lot of times even she doesn't know the real reasons. Her emotions get all charged up and she can't even figure out what the reasons were that caused her to feel the way she does. So trying to figure out what you did or didn't do is just wasting time and energy and doing so will just make things worse.

But getting back to the title of this article, I'll tell you one of the things that helped me get her back. I took a break and gave it some time. I went out and had some fun, met some new people and made friends. I also took a look at how other people acted and approached relationships. I found out some new ways to meeting girls and how some of the things I did were not the way to go.

By meeting new people you naturally start doing different things, make changes in your life. Small and steady changes that gave me a different perspective on things, like relationships. And what my next move would be to get back with my ex.

Now for you maybe after some time away you'll decide to just move on. Happens all the time. In that case it's easy and she could actually end up being a good friend. But if you still want her back, or him back, you need to find out how they feel about you. Find out if they are interested in putting the pieces back together.

Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Don't start begging, that would not be good. Play it easy and cool. Show her that you're doing good. If she seems like she might be a little interested, be a little hard to get. LITTLE I said. Don't go overboard and make her think you are now off limits. You know, after some time apart she might be thinking the same as you. If she's interested in you, she was once after all, she might start to think about your past relationship and the decision she made. Show her you've grown and are someone that she could want to be with.