The Best Way To Say Sorry

"An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything."

How do you say that you are sorry, when you have messed up a situation, any situation?

It can be a major or catastrophic event or a minor argument or a simple disagreement which caused you to hurt or upset someone you love or care for.

Often these feelings can stay with us for years and cause us an enormous amount of heartache.

You are thought of more highly once you own up to a mistake because others will see you are human and feeling after all. However small you think the mistake may be could have devastating effects on your relationships if sorry is not in your vocabulary.

A perfect way to Say Sorry is with A Message in a Bottle , it truly shows you care.

If you find it difficult to express your feelings get some inspiration from one of our poem templates shown below.

It must have been so hard on you
I'm sorry for all I put you through
I'm sorry for the helping hand I didn't lend
I wish I'd been a better friend

How do I tell you I'm sorry -
With a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized
I hurt you so much

I'm sorry I hurt you
I didn't mean to
I'm sorry  I hurt you,
I regret it, I do.
What I did, I regret
So lets make up and forget.

For what ever reason you need to say sorry to someone you have hurt or upset, by sending them message shows you are truly Sorry!

A Message in a Bottle is a truly unique and memorable way to personalise your regrets in a very special way, and show you Really Are Truly Sorry.....