What Are Age Spots and Can We Get Rid of Them?

There may come a time in your life when you develop spots on your skin. They can be unsightly and they do cause some people to be ashamed.What are age spotsand what can be done about them?

This article will focus on how you can get rid of these spots and what specifically causes them. Age spots are also known as sunspots or liver spots. What they are is skin cells that are overly rich in melanin. Melanin is a pigment that is produced by cells that are located in the bottom layer of the epidermis. New skin cells are also formed at this layer. The new skin cells then migrate to the outer layer of the epidermis. These news cells are made primarily of keratin.

Keratin is a protein that helps to prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated. So, what are age spots then? They are spots that have a higher content of melanin that the rest of your skin. One of the major stimulants in the production of melanin is over exposure to the suns UV rays.

It is possible that the skin spots will fade over time if the individual limits their exposure to the sun. In addition, you can prevent the chance of developing these spots if you use an effective sunscreen. There are also creams that can inhibit the production of melanin as well.

Many age spot creams contain an ingredient called hydroquinone. The problem with this substance is that it can potentially cause cancer. In fact, it has been banned in several countries. Avoid using a product that contains this ingredient.

Understanding what are age spots will give consumers a better idea of how to help reduce them. One of the safest and most effective ingredients found in skin creams that help to reduce these spots is Extra-pone nut grass.

This substance is extracted from the root of this plant and it can inhibit the production of melanin by up to forty percent. Look for an age spot removal cream that contains this substance.

If you would like more information on what are age spots and how to reduce them, please take a minute and visit my website today.