You Don't Need a Magic Prayer to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - You Need a Plan!

If you are still desperately in love with your girlfriend after a break up you may be ready to try just about anything to get her back. Most men resort to the age old staples of sending flowers, gifts or just calling to beg for another chance. You may even be looking for a magic prayer to get your ex girlfriend back. None of these approaches is going to get back the woman you love. If you really want to accomplish that you have to get yourself a plan and stick to it.

The first step in any plan to get your ex girlfriend back has to do with composure. Your composure when you're around her is the key. During your relationship your girlfriend may have told you that she wished you were more open with what you're feeling or more sensitive to what she's feeling. Now is not the time to start showing that sensitivity. If you cry, beg or plead with your ex she's not going to take that as a compliment or a sign that you love her endlessly. She's going to take it to mean that you're desperate. Desperate men do not appeal to women. So if you want to win her back, keep your emotions under control whenever you see or talk to her.

You must also take time to think about what you can to improve your own life. Women want to be with men who have their act together. If you've been unfocused about work or your future, now is the time to buckle down and do something about that. You want to take the time right after the break up to do what you can to make yourself into the man of her dreams. Think about what she loved the most about you and do whatever you can to make her proud of you. You really don't need a magic prayer to get your ex girlfriend back . All you do need is some time and space to become that man she first fell in love with.