How to Win Her Back After Infidelity

You have been unfaithful to your girlfriend or wife - she has left you and now you want her back in your life.

You have betrayed your wife or girlfriend and you have to realize you may never get her back. Infidelity on the part of either party in a relationship is a huge issue involving betrayal and trust. Your partner would have been devastated to learn that you had slept with another woman – it is the ultimate betrayal.

How do you win her back? That’s a very good question.

Do you feel remorse for your actions and are you man enough to be responsible for your inappropriate behavior?

Would you take her back if she had slept with another man?

It’s a huge ask isn’t it? Can she trust you never to betray her again?

Can you honestly justify your infidelity towards her knowing you bed another woman in her place?

You have got a lot of work to do and it may involve seeking relationship counseling. Have you any idea at the depth of hurt you have caused your girlfriend or wife?

You have to convince her that you feel true remorse for what you did to her and her relationship with you and that it won’t ever happen again. Whether she can trust you to remain faithful only to her is another thing.

A woman may "forgive" an infidelity but, she will never forget it. You have planted the seeds of mistrust, betrayal and emotional insecurity in her mind.

You can try and reassure her it will never happen again and you may feel she believes you but, you will never "know" if she does. A night out with the boys now takes on a whole new dimension to her doesn’t it? Can she ever really trust you again but, more importantly, can you trust yourself?

Maybe if you mentioned to her that you are willing to undertake relationship counseling it might show her you are sincere and committed to have her beside you as your wife or girlfriend once again.

And to help you get started winning her back , you can download your special report here: