Why Does My Ex Boyfriend Keep Calling Me? Does He Want Me Back?

So your romance is over, but the phone calls continue.  Your ex boyfriend keeps emailing you, texting you, and maybe even dialing you up from time to time.  What gives?  Why would your ex boyfriend keep calling you?

Well for one thing, contact is a lot easier these days.  Everyone has a cellphone, a facebook page, a text-message address and a million ways to get instantly in touch.  Your ex contacting you could be a byproduct of all these things, but more likely than not?  It's becausehe's not over the relationship yet.

Yup, that's right: your ex is keeping you around through contact.  It doesn't matter if your boyfriend was the one who ended things and broke up with you - he's keeping you within easy reach in case he changes his mind.  How can you tell?  Because any guy who'strulydone with seeing a girlfriend will break up and walk away.  Such a guy knows full well that any additional contact could be misconstrued as interest, and if he's really done?  He's not going to keep those lines of communication open longer than they need to be.

Another way to tell if he's still interested is to look for the signs your ex boyfriend still loves you .  There will always be more subtle signs and signals given off when a guy still likes you, and most of the time he doesn't even know he's throwing these flags up.

So if you're asking why does my boyfriend keep calling me?  It's because he doesn't want you to go anywhere.  He's essentially saying "Listen, let's stay friendly for a while to see if this is really what I want".  In the meantime, your ex is now free to date other people, do his own thing, and see if there's anyone else out there for him.  By keeping you on the other end of his phoneandstaying broken up with you, your exboyfriend now has the best of both worlds.

Do you still love him?  Are you looking to win your boyfriend back?  These are questions you need to ask yourself when you fall into such a situation.  If the answer to those questions is yes, then you'll need to make immediate moves toward getting your ex back.  Sitting around in a buddy-buddy type of friendship role isnot the answerwhen you'd rather be dating this guy again.  You need to let him know that you won't be accepting his offer to "just be friends" when you'd much rather be involved in a meaningful, long-term relationship.

Getting back together with an ex boyfriend can be tough, especially if you don't know where to start.  You need to learn your opening moves, and also find out where he stands when it comes to repairing your romantic relationship.  You'll find methods and techinques you can use to knowexactly what your boyfriend wants and expectsfrom you.  From there, you can start planning on what to do next.