Ex Boyfriend to Get Back- Read These 5 Simple Tips

It's not easy for you and your ex boyfriend to get back together after a break up.  But, there are some tips that will help you get him back again.  A lot of people don't succeed at getting their ex back.  It's really not our fault.  No on ever handed us an instruction guide when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a break up.

Much less, how to get our ex back after a breakup.  So, if you want your ex boyfriend back, you should follow these 5 simple tips:

1.  The first thing that will help you and your ex boyfriend get back together is to get your head straight.  You need to get rid of all the negative thoughts that are in your head.  You have to stop feeling sorry.  You've got to be strong.

Make sure you don't let your emotions get you down.  Especially depression.  You won't be able to achieve your goal, if you can't keep your emotions and your mind clear.  Negative thoughts are really destructive.

2.  The next thing you need to do is accept that the relationship is over in its prior form.  Wishing and hoping isn't going to help you go back in time to change what went wrong.  You cannot keep letting your mind wander into the past.

Make sure you focus on what's going on right now.  If you realize that the relationship of the past was not great and perfect, you are heading in the right direction.  It's also the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back together.  Remember you're most likely focusing too much on the bad stuff.  Think about it this way...your relationship didn't fail in a day.  So, don't expect to be able to repair it in one day either.

3.  The third tip is that you don't need to pester your ex boyfriend.  Guys really don't like it when girls become obsessive and bother them.  Especially all ex boyfriends.  You probably want to be comfort by seeing his face or hearing his voice, but if you are serious about getting back with him, you must keep cool for a while.  You have to back off.

Don't continuously text him, email him, call him, or go to his favorite hangout spots.  Give him space and time to realize that he made a mistake by not being with you.  He will actually begin to miss you.  But if you blow it, you'll have a tougher time trying to get him back.

4.  The next tip is to become more desirable.  If you're able to, get some new clothes, makeup, and a new hairstyle.  When you look good on the outside, you start feeling a lot better about yourself on the inside.  By feeling good, you'll be more happy and confident.  This will become desirable to men, which includes your ex boyfriend.

5.  The fifth tip is to take things slow.  If you have followed steps one thru four, your ex boyfriend at some point will get in contact with you.  Imagine how surprised he'll be when he the "new" you from step four.  He'll be sorry that he broke up with you.  Make sure you keep physical contact with him to a bare minimum, if you see him.

He will desire you more when he sees that you look your best and that you are confident and happy.  And if you limit physical contact with him, it'll drive him crazy.  It'll probably ensure that you don't jump back into a relationship with him and then a short time later break up again.

At first, these tips may not seem easy for you to do.  You probably want to give in and call him to see what's he's doing and to hangout with him.  Don't do it.  Make sure you resist the temptation.  These tips will definitely hep you and your ex boyfriend get back together after a breakup.