Is Your Relationship Worth Saving?

If you're in a relationship and things are going wrong, you may be wondering if it's time to move on with your life. However, you've been with this person for a long time, and though things may be going south, a part of you still wonders if the relationship is worth saving.

Let's say you've been with the person for a long time. You've built a history and have spent months, perhaps years building your lives together. Now that things have gone wrong, it's hard. You find yourself wondering what you would do without this person. But at the same time you wonder if you are doing what is best for you.

Or do you really know? Sometimes people get so deep into a relationship that they forget who they are as an individual. They forget who they were prior to becoming an "us." Because of this, you may be asking yourself what you can do to save the relationship.

In some cases, there is no way of saving a relationship; the damage has been done; you'll never recover. But to figure out whether or not you can afford to spend more time with this person, you may want to ask yourself a few questions.

Are you truly happy anymore? Has the relationship gotten stale?

Has the person changed? Do you feel like you're missing out on something in life?

What can you gain by staying in this relationship? Are you afraid of moving on?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to consider starting the next chapter of your life as a single. If the relationship was abusive, waste no time in getting out of it. Physical and emotional abuse both can have disastrous effects and may be hard to recover from.

If you no longer feel close to the person, you need to consider getting out. You need and deserve to be happy.