Learn The Real Reason Why Your Ex Boyfriend Fell Out Of Love With You - How To Get Him Back Fast!

When your man told you he wanted a time out from the relationship, it was a way of giving him a trial breakup. By taking a timeout, he was not actually finalizing things in his mind. His purpose was to give him time to check out what else was out there and do a little dating. If things did not work out to his satisfaction, he still would have you to fall back on. The reason he wanted to check out other options was that he was bored with your relationship. But, that is not the real reason your ex boyfriend fell out of love with you.

When he first met you, it was a challenge to capture your love. Once he felt that you loved him, the challenge was gone. Your relationship remained new and exciting for a while and so he stuck around. But everything became the same thing over and over again. You dated on the same nights and went to the same places. You saw the same friends and talked about the same things. You also were too attainable. He never had to worry about you breaking a date and anytime he called, you answered on the first ring.

Another problem occurs when you become too anxious to get a commitment from the guy you love and you became a nagger. You start finding fault with everything he does. Men are more easily hurt than women think. They try to act macho and tough, but inside there is a little boy that has to be praised and appreciated. All of these things contribute to your ex needing a time out. But, the real reason why your ex boyfriend fell out of love with you , is because you are no longer the woman he fell in love with.

The woman he fell in love with was self confident, carefree and happy. Falling too deeply in love may have caused you to become too careful. You did not want to do anything to make your man unhappy. This caused you to lose your carefree playful attitude that he loved about you. Many women become suspicious, if their boyfriend is late for a date or has to break a date for some reason. This causes you to lose that self confidence he always admired.

To get your ex back, all you have to do is become the woman he fell in love with again. Go look in the mirror and see where you have changed, not just on the outside, but inside too. Be honest and face the faults you have acquired and take steps to correct them. When you can show the man you love that you are the woman he fell in love with again, you will get your ex back fast.