How To Tell Your Boyfriend Does Not Love You Anymore - Signs You Might Have Lost Him For Good

There may be signs that your boyfriend is not happy or that he seems preoccupied or distant. Quite often these actions will be a warning of trouble to come or they might be caused by many other things in his life. How to tell your boyfriend does not love you anymore can be pretty hard to tell. In the first place if you have just started noticing a change in his behavior toward you, be careful of how you interpret this change. It could be caused by problems he has outside the relationship such as his job and he doesn't want to burden you with his problems. A man doesn't just fall out of love with a woman overnight, it takes an accumulation of things before you will see signs you have lost him for good.

That is why it is important that you be on your guard and take action when you see signs he might be drifting away from you. One of the signs you should look for is the amount of time he is spending with you now. When you first started dating you probably couldn't get any time to yourself. You had to neglect your friends because he was always around. He was always making plans for the weekend and week nights. He was content just to hang out with you, watching television or just sitting and looking at you. If he has stopped making those weekend plans and seems to be spending as much time with his buddies as he spends with you, this can be one of the signs he is drifting away from you.

If he doesn't seem to be interested in what has happened during your day and tells you very little about his, you can take this as a sign that he is losing interest in the relationship. This doesn't mean that he does not love you anymore or that you have lost him for good. But it is a good kick in the pants that you had better pay attention to which way your relationship is heading. By acting now and putting together a plan of action to win your boyfriend back you can avoid hearing him tell you he needs some space, and that will be how to tell your boyfriend does not love you anymore and it is a sign you might have lost him forever.