Love Matters - How To Deal With A Broken Heart

Dealing with a broken heart is never easy. You've spent months, possibly years building a relationship with someone, and suddenly due to no fault of your own, it's over.

But coping with the grief and pain of a broken heart doesn't have to shatter your world completely. Sure, it's difficult hearing that it's not working out. As shocking as it sounds, it sometimes hurts even more when you initiate the breakup, because too often people regret their decision to break up. If you're on the receiving end, it may be hard to keep yourself together in the other person's presence.

If your ex broke up with you via email or other communication device, it may be easier to deal because no actual face-to-face communication is involved. And you don't make yourself as vulnerable to the other person. Then again, you don't get much closure from this type of parting, which may in other ways be more difficult. The best way to deal with this and move on with your life is to accept the pain of the breakup, whether you are the relationship breaker or the breakee. Allow yourself to cry. Allow yourself to experience the painful emotions that accompany any relationship's end.

If you are still hurting after the initial stages of grief, do something nice for yourself. Go to the movies. Buy yourself lunch and a shake. Focus on making yourself happy. Read a self help book. Some people are reluctant to read self help books after a breakup, because it makes them feel as though they can't get over the pain on their own. But the truth is that everyone needs a little support, and such books can actually help make you feel better.

Dealing with a broken heart doesn't mean that life ends completely. It simply means that you need to take time for yourself-time to cry, time to heal, time to get to know yourself again.