You broke up with your boyfriend and now you see it was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and it is not uncommon to feel that way after a breakup. Many women find that they acted too fast and emotionally when they gave their ex boyfriend the boot. You might feel and friends may tell you that it is too late to correct your mistake and you will just have to forget him and live your life without him. But you know that he is the only man for you and you could never be happy with anyone else. The good news is that you do not have to live your life without the man you love. You can use these effective tips to win him back.
First of all you need to admit that you made a mistake when you broke up with your ex boyfriend and apologize to him. You should not make a big production of the apology. You do not have to get down on your knees and beg his forgiveness, nor do you need to bring a gift. No crowds of relatives and friends to witness your penance. Just call him up and tell him you are sorry for your part in the breakup. Do not cry or beg. All that is necessary is a simple apology and wish him the best in the future, then end the conversation. That is all you have to do in order to start things moving toward getting your ex back.
The next step might be the hardest for you, but if you want back the man you broke up with and now see it was a mistake, you can do it. Be strong and mature and do not be afraid of leaving your ex boyfriend alone. What you are going to do is drop out of sight for a few weeks and let him digest the apology. When you tell another person you are sorry for something you have done, it softens their feeling toward you. They gain respect for you because they know it is not an easy thing to do. This will be the effect on your ex boyfriend if you leave him alone and let him think.
By giving him time he will begin to miss you and think of all of the happy times with you and want them back. Your ex boyfriend will remember all of the good things about you and long to have you back. This is making him experience what his life is like without you and the void that is created by your absence in his life. By finding the strength to stay away from him for a while, you can make him want you again and soon he will be calling you and wanting to see you.