Did you know a high quality anti aging skin care system will consist of a group of specialized products developed using all natural ingredients?  Natural ingredients are far more effective in treating the skin than synthetic compounds, because many natural components contain properties that make them striking similar to the oil produced by your sebaceous glands.  This makes them excellent moisturizers and emollients.

Synthetic compounds cannot provide your skin with the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that it needs to be healthy, and younger looking.  Synthetics are developed from chemicals, some of which have the potential to cause you serious harm.  You would be surprised just how many of the chemicals commonly used to develop skin care formulas have been deemed possible toxins and carcinogens.

So why you may ask, would a cosmetic company include compounds in their anti aging skin care formulas that could possibly harm the person using them?  The truth is that the cosmetics companies develop their products using chemicals, because it is far cheaper than using the all natural compounds that will make your skin healthy.  These multi-billion dollar companies have the means to present you with healthy, effective products, but they simply don't want to.

Why should a company cut into their profits when they already know that the majority of consumers don't know what they are buying anyway?  Most people still believe that they can achieve younger looking skin by using wrinkle reducing formulas featuring collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid as the key active ingredients.  All that you are reducing by using these products is the amount of money in your wallet.

The anti aging skin care formulas that feature collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid as ingredients will not eliminate your wrinkles, because these compounds are too dense for absorbing them into the skin to be possible.  Consumers are fooled into thinking that these formulas are making a difference by the fact that these key compounds bind water to the skin.  This gives the temporary impression that the skin has actually gotten smoother.

If you want your skin care formulas to help you look younger, you have to have compounds working for you such as active Manuka honey, Babassu wax, Maracuja passion fruit extract, Jojoba, and natural vitamin E.  These compounds will saturate your skin with moisture, and the plant based oils will supply it with all of the antioxidants and essential nutrients it needs.

The most effective anti aging skin care formulas available combine a protein complex and enzyme fusion called Cynergy TK, with Phytessence Wakame kelp extract.  Cynergy TK causes the body to produce far more collagen and elastin than it normally would as years pass, and Phytessence Wakame saves your hyaluronic acid from certain destruction by the hyaluronidase enzymes in your skin.

In conclusion, the anti aging skin care formulas that feature these natural compounds will have more of an effect on your skin than you ever imagined.  You are not going to find a formula more effective.  This combination of ingredients gives you the maximum results possible from a wrinkle reduction formula.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.