Rver Complete - Eat Right Live Longer

The latest study showed that when you eat right you live longer. This mode of practice promotes a calorie restricted diet. A diet consisting of more complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, omega 3 fatty acids and eating less can promote good health and longevity.

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It all goes down with the prevention of the occurrence of disease. How are we supposed to prevent disease from occurring? The simple answer to that is eating the right is the key to disease prevention. What we eat affects our health directly, so eating right will free us from chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and therefore gives us the chance to live longer. Included in these articles is valuable information on what to eat best to make us live longer.

What are complex carbohydrates? Complex carbohydrates are foods that are basically in whole grain form such as whole grain breads, oats, muesli and brown rice. It provides fuel for the body and it makes your body feel full longer. These kinds of foods also contain dietary fiber that helps improve digestion and prevents constipation. Eating more fruits and vegetable is proven to be very helpful in maintaining a healthy body. They're also good sources of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The two are also known to contain so many vitamins, like the vitamin C which is known to boost and protect the immune system. Plus they have high contents of minerals and antioxidants that fight diseases.

Omega 3 fatty acids rich foods are also recommendable. They are found in fish like mackerel, trout, herring and salmon; they help ensure good health and promote longevity. Omega 3 fatty acids is known to lower LDL and triglycerides, thus keeps you away from high blood pressure.

Lastly if you eat less and maintain a healthy body weight you'll stay healthy. You can do this chewing food properly and use smaller plates or bowls. Be choosy when it comes to foods.

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