Women - Win Your Man Back With A Little Magic!

Being in a relationship requires give and take from both the man and the woman in a relationship. Even if both are willing to bend and make changes for their partner, it is no guarantee that a relationship will work. However, a relationship ending does not mean that there is no chance at all for you towin your man back, but knowing what to do after a break up happens is just as important as what you do during the relationship.  You canwin your man backif you know what to do shortly after the break up.

Your chances of winning your man back are great because roughly 90% of relationship break ups can be repaired and saved.  Your chances will greatly increase if you avoid some of the common mistakes after the break up and, more importantly, if you have a plan to win your man back.

I will tell you at the end of this article about a plan that works like magic to win your man back.  It is called "The Magic Love Recipe" .

There are plenty of things that women do that are simply wrong when trying to win their man back, and it is important that if you are in this situation that you avoid some of these common mistakes.

1.  Do not call or text him.

If your man ends a relationship and you want to know what to do make a point of agreeing with him about the need for the breakup. Many women will call and text their ex regularly which makes her seem desperate and needy.

Let's face it, a man likes a woman who depends on him a bit, but he doesn't want her in a position where it seems like she can't function without him. Agree with him and move on, that will automatically get him wondering if he was making the right choice, or why you are ready to move on.

2.  Don't tell him you will change for him.

If you make this classic mistake, you are only going to come off sounding pathetic and weak and that is not going to help you to win your man back. Not only will he be turned off, but also he will be more convinced that he was making the right choice in the first place.

If he tells you that you are wrong for him, tell him you are glad he realized it sooner rather than later and move on. Once again he will wonder if he is doing the right thing.

3.  Don't beg him to give you another chance.

Once again, you do not want him to view you as a weakling. If he has made up his mind to end the relationship take it like an adult and accept that this is where his mind is. That is because being mature and even understanding always makes them wonder about their decision, so don't give him cause to think that he was right.  Begging is probably the biggest mistake you can make shortly after a break up.

You want your relationship to be based on love, not pity.  If you beg him to take you back, he may feel sorry for you and take you back but it will not last.  In a short few days or weeks you will be right back where you are now.

As you can tell by the above mistakes you don't want to appear weak or needy.  What do you do after a break up?

The first thing you need to do is get a plan.  I mention above about a proven plan that works like magic and it is called"The Magic Love Recipe".  You can get more information on the plan by clicking the links below.

If you really want your man back, avoid the being needy, don't beg, don't constantly call him, and get plan to win your man back !

P.S. You can watch a free video by clicking here on what your first move should be on Win Your Man Back .

After you click just scroll down the page and enjoy the video and learn more about"The Magic Love Recipe"!