4 Steps to Reunite With Your Ex - Get Your Ex Back by Pushing the Right Buttons

Most couples at some stage over the course of their relationships will break up only to reunite and be happier and stronger than ever. What separates those couples who reunite over those who see their relationship go up in flames? Only small differences in post break up behavior, lets help you reunite with your ex the right way.

Steps To Reunite With Your Ex - Get Your Ex Back

The most effective way to push your exes buttons to consider getting back together with you is to avoid using manipulation tricks and tactics that can back fire and destroy your last chance to get your ex back. Let's look at the most effect method to push the right buttons and win your ex back by making them feel as if they were the ones that were dumped.

1. Accept The Break Up
Button 1:Keep your emotions in check, if your relationship ended in a messy break up, accept the break up and respect your ex's decision. If you are still in contact with them tell you understand why you two needed to break up and agree with their decision completely.

2. Stop ALL Contact Immediately - Does Your Ex Exist?
Button 2:The aim hear is not to forget about your ex and their existence but simply trying to push them out of the forefront of your mind for the time being. If you are in contact with your ex, stop calling and messaging them and for the time being, stop returning their calls also.

3. Is Life Really That Much Better Without Your Ex
Button 3:It's time to push the button that will get your ex thinking about you fast. It's time to start spending more time with friends and doing things you enjoy. For a fresh change, try out activities you have never tried and have a positive, confident and out going lease on life. Get the word out to your ex either through mutual friends or a letter, telling them about your new found lease on life and how happy you are.

4. Make Your Ex Think Two, Three, Four Times.
Button 4:With you agreeing with the break up, stopping all contact with your ex and making it appear as if you are happier without your ex, your ex's head will begin to spin with curiosity. Have you met someone else? Do you still want them? What has made you so happy?

Why does your ex suddenly feel as if they were the one that was dumped? This is where you can reunite with your ex and get your ex back .