Dealing With a Breakup When a Long Relationship EndsDealing with a breakup in any relationship is never easy, but trying to cope with a breakup in a long relationship can be very devastating. It’s human nature to feel pain when we lose something near and dear to our hearts, and nothing touches the heart more than losing the love that you thought will never die. It’s true that people deal with breakups in different ways, but when all is said and done, the pains are all the same. Relationship breakups are rarely mutual, which means that in most breakups somebody is going to get hurt more, and probably feel betrayed and abandoned. But does that mean that the person who initiated the break is not hurting? Not likely, when a long relationship ends in a breakup everybody hurts – including the instigator who may be hurting by guilt of what he had done; so hurt by betrayal or guilt at this point don’t seem to matter. Dealing with breakups has no set of rules that one should follow, or how to better cope with the emptiness that comes with such loss. But there are few common threads that human share that comes natural when dealing with a long relationship breakup. To completely let go one should adopt few of these ideas: 1. Learning to accept that it’s over: After the initial shock, accepting that the relationship has ended is probably one of the first steps to take to reclaim your life. Accept that it’s over and move on. 2. Reflections: Take time to reminisce about what was, don’t shut yourself out of the good memories you shared. Reflect on the good and the bad, and learn from it as you close the old chapter and look forward to the future. 3. Take time for yourself if you need it: If you feel that getting away, or taking time for yourself, just lounging at home is what you need, do it. You will feel renewed and rejuvenated when you emerge from taking time for yourself. 4. Treat yourself to what pleasures you: Rent your favorite movies, treat yourself to a spa, or even rent adult movies of your choice and pleasure yourself if that is what you need. Pat yourself on the back if you like, and don’t hold back telling yourself how wonderful you are, if that’s what tickles your fancy. Dealing with a break is hard, but it should not be a death sentence. The best way to live a life is to believe that what future holds is always going to be better than what was. Enjoy past memories that are worth remembering, but don’t live in the past – always believe that the love you hope for, will be better than the love you had. P.S, Enhance your relationship and sex life: learn how to ask delicate but romantic questions that will ignite the spark and set the right mood in your relationship any time; here's the mood setting questions, romance/relationship eBook that you should read. Get your copy of the FREE eBook here |