How to Get an Ex Boyfriend Back Even If He Broke Up With You

When the love of your life decides to walk out of your life it can be traumatic. Many women are thrown into emotional turmoil when their ex boyfriend decides it's time for him to move on. Break ups are always difficult but when it's not something that you want, it becomes even more heart wrenching. For a woman who is still very much in love with her ex, she may see any possibility of a future with him vanishing into thin air. That's not necessarily the case though. Getting back together can happen if you know how to approach the situation correctly. When you are considering how to get an ex boyfriend back after he broke up with you, first and foremost give him space.

There's an instinct inside all of us when we love someone, we want to be close to them. If your ex boyfriend feels that he needs distance from you, the best thing you can possibly do is give him that distance. This means no contact whatsoever. It's incredibly important that you respect his wishes at this time. If you decide to ignore his request and instead barrage him with phone calls, emails or texts, he'll likely block your number and email. He may just need the opportunity to sort out his thoughts and feelings. Give him the room to think and before long he may actually realize how much he misses you .

One of the strongest emotions that a woman can feel when a man she loves ends their relationship suddenly, is intense anger. This can lead to a very strong desire to verbally attack him. Calling him names and pointing out all his shortcomings will only result in more bad feelings. You need to find another outlet for your anger, so that when you do come in contact with him via phone, email or in person, you won't be tempted to bite his head off. It's important to remember that when you are thinking about how to get an ex boyfriend back that you don't bring your anger anywhere near him. If you do, he'll feel justified in breaking up with you and you may never win him back.

Some women will claim that making him jealous is the way to reignite the fire of desire. This rarely works. If you start flaunting another man in the face of your ex boyfriend he is probably going to jump to the conclusion that you are completely over him. He'll question your love for him if you seem able to move onto another relationship so swiftly. Any plan that is focused on how to get your ex boyfriend back should not include any other men. Take the time after the break up to do something for yourself. If you've been putting off spending time with girlfriends, do that. You can also take up a new hobby or read that book you've been putting off. The goal is to focus on you and leave men out of the equation for now.

Many times men will realize what they've lost after a break up. If this is indeed the case, allow your ex boyfriend the opportunity to come to you to discuss a second chance. Be open-minded and don't make promises you can't keep. If you truly love each other, learn to compromise so you can avoid the problems that initially ended the relationship.